The Human Element

While AI will continue to change the way we work, train, and learn, the human aspect is still vitally important.

To be brutally honest, artificial intelligence (AI) gives my old-school journalism soul the heebie-jeebies as nightmarish visions of unattributed content, unoriginal thought, and unverified sources dance in my head. I know it probably will make my job easier—or maybe redundant, if ChatGPT can write better articles than I can (I really hope not!).

I also know employees in most industries—including learning and development (L&D)—are having similar thoughts. Indeed, 25 percent of workers are very worried their job will be replaced by AI in the next year, according to a global study of 1,000-plus employees by technology analyst firm Valoir. There is no question AI will continue to change the way we work, train, and learn. But the good news for L&D professionals is that the human aspect is still vitally important—after all, someone needs to train these AI tools, as well as oversee ethical and privacy concerns. As our TechLearn Conference keynoter Dr. Vivienne Ming noted in a call we had a few weeks ago, “AI knows everything but understands nothing.”

A theoretical neuroscientist and founder of Socos Labs, Dr. Ming has done extensive research on the impact of AI in training and learning. Interestingly enough, she said, “the more information you give people, the less they explore. Studies have found that students learn decidedly more when they don’t get as much information. So the key becomes figuring out how the AI tool can work collaboratively with the learner.”

Click here to read our cover story as we explore how AI can help in training, caveats to keep in mind, and tips for effectively using AI tools.

Speaking of effective tools, we are glad to recognize the winners of our crowd-sourced 2023 Training Magazine Network Choice Awards (click here to see the winners in all six categories). Many thanks to you for voting and to them for their solutions to transform training!

Lorri Freifeld
Lorri Freifeld is the editor/publisher of Training magazine. She writes on a number of topics, including talent management, training technology, and leadership development. She spearheads two awards programs: the Training APEX Awards and Emerging Training Leaders. A writer/editor for the last 30 years, she has held editing positions at a variety of publications and holds a Master’s degree in journalism from New York University.