The Bridge by Instructure team recently surveyed 1,000 employees in the U.S. (mostly mid-level manager or supervisor) and discovered some interesting trends in training, learning, and productivity:
- For an organization with 1,000 employees, workers spend at least 10,010 hours per year answering questions or explaining concepts they’ve already discussed.
- For an organization with 1,000 employees, workers spend at least 5,850 hours a year looking up information previously covered—nearly 6,000 hours of productivity time wasted.
- Calendar reminders and Post-It notes are the most popular tools employees use to retain information at work, with 47% and 46% of employees using them, respectively, for this purpose. In contrast, corporate materials such as employee handbooks are used by only 9% of employees.
- 78% of respondents participate in company training quarterly or less frequently.
- 72% said they would benefit from receiving e-mail reminders about topics covered in company trainings.
For more survey findings, visit: