The results are in! Training magazine proudly unveils the winners of the 2024 Training Magazine Network Choice Awards—the industry’s only crowd-sourced vendor awards program. We once again invited the 56,000 active, engaged, and vocal members of Training Magazine Network (TMN) to cast their votes for the vendor partners they find to provide the most effective tools and solutions for their work, in six categories:
- Authoring Tools
- Custom Content/Program Development
- Gamification
- Leadership Development
- Learning Portal/Learning Management System
- Measurement, Testing & Assessment
An alphabetical list in each of the six categories was compiled based on Training and TMN’s own industry data and research and included vendor companies that both have and have not done business or partnered with Training and its affiliates. Voters also could enter a preferred vendor product or solution not on the list.
The voting was held online from March to June 2024. Some 12,048 votes were cast by 1,794 unique respondents for 566 companies. Participants could submit a survey ballot in as many of the six categories as were applicable to them, but only one ballot per voter per category was permitted; multiple employees from the same company were permitted to vote. Winners were determined by a combination of the total number of votes received and an average weighted score based on effectiveness. Because of this determination, there is not a set number of winners per category.
The 2024 Training Magazine Network Choice Award winners are:
- Absorb LMS (www.absorblms.com)
- Adobe Inc. (www.adobe.com)
- Articulate (www.articulate.com)
- BizLibrary (www.bizlibrary.com)
- The Bob Pike Group (www.bobpikegroup.com)
- Cornerstone (www.cornerstoneondemand.com)
- dominKnow Learning Systems (www.dominknow.com)
- ELB Learning (www.elblearning.com)
- Great Circle Learning (www.greatcirclelearning.com)
- iSpring (www.ispringsolutions.com)
- Panopto (www.panopto.com)
- simpleshow (www.simpleshow.com)
- TechSmith Corporation (www.techsmith.com)
- Vyond (www.vyond.com)
- Artha Learning Inc. (www.arthalearning.com)
- Artisan Learning (www.artisanlearning.com)
- BizLibrary (www.bizlibrary.com)
- The Bob Pike Group (www.bobpikegroup.com)
- D3 Training Solutions (www.d3trainingsolutions.com)
- Dale Carnegie (www.dalecarnegie.com)
- d’Vinci Interactive (www.dvinci.com)
- Dynamic Training Resources (www.dtrtraining.com)
- ELB Learning (www.elblearning.com)
- Insight Experience (www.insight-experience.com)
- Learning Everest (www.learningeverest.com)
- The Myers-Briggs Company (www.themyersbriggs.com)
- Sententia Gamification (www.sententiagamification.com)
- simpleshow (www.simpleshow.com)
- Socratic Arts (www.socraticarts.com)
- Syneos Health Learning Solutions (www.syneoshealthlearning.com)
- TrainingPros (www.trainingpros.com)
- Yukon Learning (www.yukonlearning.com)
- Artha Learning Inc. (www.arthalearning.com)
- Artisan Learning (www.artisanlearning.com)
- The Bob Pike Group (www.bobpikegroup.com)
- Dynamic Training Resources (www.dtrtraining.com)
- ELB Learning (www.elblearning.com)
- io (www.inoteam.io)
- Learning Everest (www.learningeverest.com)
- RSVP Design Experiential Learning (www.rsvpdesign.com)
- Sententia Gamification (www.sententiagamification.com)
- Syneos Health Learning Solutions (www.syneoshealth.com)
- Trainers Warehouse (www.trainerswarehouse.com)
- American Management Association (www.amanet.org)
- Blanchard (www.blanchard.com)
- Center for Creative Leadership (www.ccl.org)
- Crestcom International (www.crestcom.com)
- Crucial Learning (www.cruciallearning.com)
- DDI (www.ddiworld.com/solutions/leadership-development)
- Franklin Covey (www.franklincovey.com)
- Harvard Business Publishing Corporate Learning (www.harvardbusiness.org)
- HRDQ (www.hrdqstore.com)
- HRDQ-U (www.hrdqu.com)
- Innovative Learning Group, Inc. (www.innovativelg.com)
- Insight Experience (www.insight-experience.com)
- Macro Consulting (https://macroconsulting.pt/)
- The Myers-Briggs Company (www.themyersbriggs.com)
- NetSpeed Learning Solutions (www.netspeedlearning.com)
- Socratic Arts (www.socraticarts.com)
- Syneos Health Learning Solutions (www.syneoshealth.com)
- Trainers Warehouse (www.trainerswarehouse.com)
- Wilson Learning (https://global.wilsonlearning.com/)
- 360training (www.360training.com)
- Adobe Inc. (www.adobe.com)
- Brainier Solutions (www.brainier.com)
- Cornerstone (www.cornerstoneondemand.com)
- Degreed (www.degreed.com)
- ELB Learning (www.elblearning.com)
- HRDQ-U (www.hrdqu.com)
- Intellek (www.intellek.io)
- iSpring (www.ispringsolutions.com)
- LinkedIn Learning (www.linkedin.com/learning)
- Schoox (www.schoox.com)
- Syneos Health Learning Solutions (www.syneoshealth.com)
- The Bob Pike Group (www.bobpikegroup.com)
- Center for Creative Leadership (www.ccl.org)
- Cornerstone (www.cornerstoneondemand.com)
- DDI (www.ddiworld.com/solutions/leadership-development)
- Dynamic Training Resources (www.dtrtraining.com)
- Everything DISC (www.everythingdisc.com)
- Extended Disc (www.extendeddisc.org)
- Gallup Strengths Finder (www.gallup.com)/home.aspx)
- Hogan Assessments (www.hoganassessments.com)
- HRDQ (www.hrdqstore.com)
- Korn Ferry (www.kornferry.com)
- The Myers-Briggs Company (www.themyersbriggs.com)
- Qualtrics (www.qualtrics.com)
- ROI Institute, Inc. (www.roiinstitute.net)
- Syneos Health Learning Solutions (www.syneoshealth.com)
To see new and previous honorees, visit the online directory at: www.trainingmagnetwork.com/awards