>> Zao, a technology platform that helps employers structure and manage social referral programs, added new analytics and gamification features that help make employee referral programs social and engaging, while encouraging participation and providing clear actionable participation guidelines and the ability to offer appropriate incentives at every phase.
>> Boeckeler Instruments now features compatibility between its Pointmaker line of video marking products and the new Wacom wireless tablets, allowing presenters to draw and mark on video images while freely roaming the room, unimpeded by pen or tablet wires.
>> Education Management Solutions (EMS), a provider of simulation-based educational training solutions for health-care providers and educators, introduced ORION, the next-generation Clinical Simulation Management platform. ORION offers enhanced navigation, advanced search, expanded integration, analytical tools, and multiplatform mobile device support.
>> Hatsize, a cloud automation software provider for hands-on training and demos, will launch Hatsize Learning Vouchers—a self-paced, hands-on practice training solution. The VMware vSphere 5.x self-paced lab training practice sessions can be offered to remote students any time and anywhere. Students can purchase 30-day or 60-day Hatsize Learning Vouchers from preferred providers. The learning vouchers give students hands-on technology practice time to help them become VMware vSphere 5.x experts.
>> InfoPro Learning, Inc., launched HTML5-based learning solutions, calling the special service “HTML5 ACE.” Capabilities include creation of native applications for iOS and Android devices by wrapping them through PhoneGap and developing Web-based solutions that work across devices.