Effectively managing the people side of organizational changes at specialty chemical company Buckman Laboratories International, Inc., is foundational to any project that requires associates and managers to do their jobs differently. Change management skills were identified as a key target area for Buckman leaders. While Buckman has had project management practices in place for many years, many projects did not realize the benefits expected at the project kick-off. With the recognition that as an organization Buckman needed to get better at managing the people side of its projects, it implemented a holistic Change Management methodology that includes training for project sponsors, change management practitioners, managers, and employees.
Program Details
In 2013 and 2014, Change Management rapidly became a standard for Buckman and the way it focuses on global initiatives. Consistently cited as one of the best courses implemented at Buckman, Change Management averages nearly a 4.8 score out of 5 on Level 1 evaluations. One hundred percent of all Buckman associates completing the course identify a Buckman real project to design a Change Management plan for during class. All associates are required to implement their plan of action on the job afterward and to meet with their managers to discuss progress. A rapidly growing community of practice has developed, with more courses being done in all of Buckman’s operating companies. Using SharePoint, an online community forum has been developed housing materials, templates, best practices, examples, and other online resources.
While success with implementation in the classroom was attained, global adoption and real-world practical implementation were key next steps for the Buckman Change Management program. In late 2013, it was decided via a leadership change and sinking revenue due to high turnover of accounts that Buckman’s European operating company would be a strategic focus market for the company. It was understood a renewed focus on associates’ development was needed. During a January kick-off of the new management team, a series of 12 key initiatives were identified. To support the implementation of these initiatives, a Change Management practitioners program was quickly implemented for Europe to facilitate these projects, representing a major shift in business for Europe. Three two-day Change Management courses were conducted, with one for senior leaders and two for mid-tier associates most likely to play the role of action officers on these key initiatives. Additionally, three Change Management facilitators were certified through an additional five-day course in Memphis using Buckman’s internal Change Management leads.
As a result of the Change Management program, a standard lexicon for project planning was adopted, helping Europe overcome several communication obstacles with new leadership. Additionally, the Balanced Scorecard Framework used by Buckman Europe leadership was able to better track project success. Three of the major initiatives were assigned dedicated Change Managers, and a Change Management plan was implemented for these initiatives early on. Rapid success of these projects convinced Buckman leadership they had to be serious about requiring Change Management principles on all their projects.
One early key initiative having a Change Management focus was the safety training overhaul. Requiring integration and partnership across five major departments in safety, training, manufacturing, and the executive offices, safety training in Europe was a complicated project. The program was used during class by the assigned Change Manager to develop as a class exercise. Due to the Change Management program and the standards now in place, Buckman Europe is now 100 percent compliant on safety training. Safety training compliance has been a long-standing challenge for Europe, but within just two fiscal quarters, the project was completed and a program is now in place to maintain Europe’s compliance going forward.
Today, Change Management training is a global standard at Buckman with a cohesive support program in place, standard courses designed, and a robust evaluation and assessment program for learners.