PPL Electric Utilities’ Managing People and Processes (MPP) training is a long-standing, successful program focused on leadership ideals taught to supervisors and new managers.
In 2017, Level 1 and 3 feedback led to a redesign that involved merging MPP with one of PPL’s culture programs—Coaching and Accountability—to align their language and eliminate redundancy. The program has become crucial in enhancing the constructive culture at PPL.
Program Details
MPP is multiphase and interactive, and includes 360-degree feedback on the specific skills and behaviors targeted. Learners receive application assignments to practice what they have learned and meet in learning groups outside of formal training. Each person shares his or her success and challenges at applying those skills with the entire class in roundtable discussions. This encourages both peer learning and accountability.
The program has undergone several enhancements based on feedback and the need to address emerging gaps and changing business challenges. Level 3 feedback on MPP, for example, resulted in the Leader Effectiveness Training becoming a stand-alone Professional Development course. Leadership Effectiveness Training helps workers become more empathetic listeners, constructive confronters, and win-win conflict resolvers to improve employee engagement. The redesign also included aligning the 360 feedback tools, making explicit connections in class, and requiring future participants to complete the program in a specific order to ensure the skills build upon each other.
Executives deliver leadership lessons to reinforce the learning content. Participants are required to set learning goals with their managers prior to training, and managers provide ongoing feedback to ensure lasting behavioral change.
All MPP participants who retook 360s one year after the original training have shown improvements in their scores, ensuring that the behaviors learned in class are appropriately applied. Six months after MPP training, 95 percent of managers have reported a significant improvement in participants’ management skills and behaviors and have indicated that the participants have greater confidence that is directly attributable to the program.
Nearly one-third of internal promotions at PPL are MPP graduates.