By Margery Weinstein
As part of the onboarding experience of White Lodging Service’s sales leaders, each is required to attend two sales-related programs as determined by their position and brand. The first is the “T3 – Topline Sales” program. T3, which stands for Topline, Revenue Management, and E-Marketing, is a “culturalization” into the business of sales. This program is designed to provide every White Lodging sales leader with a basic understanding of the company-specific processes and tools available to them. The two-day program is taught by senior leaders from each of the three divisions (Sales, Revenue Management, and E-Marketing). Leaders are introduced to the respective tools first-hand with interactive examples encompassing online, instructor-led, and individual discovery learning. Upon completion of this program, White Lodging says its sales leaders have a good working knowledge that allows them to return to their properties and hit the ground running.
The second program, “Cutting-Edge Sales,” focuses on the “how” of sales. This program incorporates each aspect of the sales process, from prospecting to gaining commitment. Senior sales leaders throughout the company who have a proven track record of sales excellence teach this program.
Participants begin this three-day program by being videotaped completing a sales call based on their current sales knowledge and past experience. Throughout the following three days, they focus on the sales call process by reviewing the separate steps that include:
- Building rapport
- Qualifying
- Pre-call planning
- Gaining commitment
- Handling objections
Upon completion of the third day, participants once again are asked to complete the same sales call. When reviewing the second video and comparing it to the first video, participants typically see an overall increase in effectiveness and confidence throughout the sales call.
As a follow-up, during the quarterly visit the regional director of Sales makes to their property, each leader is asked to demonstrate how they have taken the learned content and applied it to their daily routines.
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