Why Offer Continuing Education for Association Members?

Associations need to provide valuable benefits to engage and retain their members. Explore four reasons to offer continuing education for association members.

It’s a well-recognized fact that the greater and more substantial the benefits offered by an association, the more likely its members are to stay. However, what might come as a surprise is the significant value members place on continuing education as a key benefit.

A recent survey by the Conference Board revealed a striking insight: 96 percent of respondents indicate that it’s important or very important for them to continue developing their work-related skills. This positions continuing education as a high-value offering that associations can provide to their members.

Let’s delve into four key benefits that underscore the importance of incorporating continuing education as a member benefit in your association.

1. Improve member engagement.

People join associations for a variety of reasons. By enriching your member benefits, particularly through continuing education, you can provide added value and promote more active member engagement.

Commonly sought-after continuing education options among professional association members include:

  • Workshops
  • Conferences
  • Certification Programs
  • Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Courses
  • Professional License Renewal

Use the data from your association management software to pinpoint the topics, subjects, or formats of continuing education that most appeal to your members.

By tailoring your educational offerings to align more closely with member interests, you not only enhance their experience but also boost member retention and attract new members. This approach ensures that your association remains responsive and relevant to the evolving needs and preferences of its members.

2. Attract new members.

According to the 2023 Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report, 39 percent of members cited continuing education as a primary reason for joining, a notable increase from 36 percent in the previous year. Associations that prioritize and enhance their continuing education programs are likely to see not just sustained, but growing member engagement and recruitment.

To encourage member sign-ups, promote your continuing education options using the following strategies:

  • Produce shareable social media posts. Create engaging and relevant social media posts on upcoming continuing education programs that will inspire members to share with their networks.
  • Include detailed descriptions in the benefits section of your website. Along with the other benefits your association offers members, outline the various continuing education opportunities people can access when they join.
  • Use event management tools to host introductory webinars or discussion groups. Set up introductory webinars or discussion groups to give prospective members a taste of the continuing education benefits you provide.

As more members take advantage of your professional development opportunities, they’ll be more likely to share their rewarding experiences with others in their network. This can lead to an improved reputation and inspire more people to join your association.

3. Facilitate member networking.

Strengthen your association’s membership program by encouraging member-to-member networking. Facilitating these peer connections through continuing education initiatives is a strategic way to ensure long-term member engagement. After all, many people join an association to connect with peers and grow together.

Here are several methods your association can use to actively support and nurture peer-to-peer relationships:

Host virtual speed networking sessions.

These are concise digital sessions where members can meet “screen-to-screen” to discuss their professional experiences and goals. These virtual events are quick, introductory, and low-pressure for attendees. It is totally up to the participants if they would like to stay connected after these brief encounters.

Develop a mentorship program.

Your association probably has members with a high level of experience and expertise in their professions. Many of these people would likely be interested in serving as mentors to younger, less experienced members. They can provide guidance in a variety of areas, including career advancement and work-life balance.

Use your website builder to create online discussion forums.

Your website builder likely has a variety of tools to enhance your association’s online presence. For example, you could create online discussion forums and Q&A groups for members to interact with one another. This way, they can ask questions, share advice, and naturally build lasting connections.

Create a member directory.

Your association’s members may cross paths in a variety of ways. It may be through social media, an event, or a discussion group. They may even read an opinion piece posted by a fellow member. Creating an accessible member directory allows members to easily find and connect with others who share similar interests and goals.

4. Earn additional revenue.

Your association needs multiple revenue streams to ensure its long-term success and sustainability. You can earn additional non-dues revenue by offering certification programs, conferences, and other training courses for a fee. Due to the value of these opportunities, many members will be more than willing to pay extra to participate, especially if they know that you’ll reinvest these funds into planning more valuable offerings.

Consider providing a special discount to members to encourage them to get involved and offering non-members the chance to pay full price on your website to participate. This price differentiation between members and non-members serves as a compelling incentive for new member sign-ups, while also allowing non-members to start engaging with your association.

This approach not only strengthens your association’s financial base but also reinforces its commitment to continuous learning and professional development.

The allure of joining a professional association often lies in benefits like networking, industry insights, and member discounts. Offering a variety of workshops, conferences, and certification programs is key to attracting and retaining members.

To ensure that your association is providing opportunities that appeal to your specific members and their preferences, send out a survey about once every six months to collect their feedback. By making continual improvements, you’ll be able to attract more members and keep them engaged over time.

Marleena Moore
Marleena Moore is the Marketing Manager at Personify for the WildApricot brand. Her goal is to create impactful content to empower nonprofits and associations in their mission-driven work.