Training APEX Awards Best Practice: CBE Companies, Inc.’s 8 Steps of a Collection Call

This leader-led, blended training leverages a multimedia presentation and an interactive online procedure manual to help new associates learn how to appropriately respond in the most common situations of their new role.

APEX Awards

The 8 Steps of a Collection Call training provides new hires at CBE Companies, Inc., a global provider of outsourced call center solutions, with the tools needed to deliver an overall enhanced customer experience. New associates learn how to build rapport, listen effectively, and appropriately respond in the most common situations of their new role.

Program Details

The 8 Steps of a Collection Call training takes place in the first week of New Hire Training. It teachs associates how to verify the customer, identify themselves and disclose the reason for the call, request payment in full, input a psychological pause, determine the problem, find the win/win solution, close the sale, and document the account.

This leader-led, blended training leverages a multimedia presentation and an interactive online procedure manual. The Call Flow Guide supplements the training by introducing associates to an online point-and-click guide that contains the specific steps of a call set by each business unit. This guide also includes the necessary legal and client requirements.

Each associate practices using the Call Flow Guide with artificial intelligence (AI) coach Zenarate. Using simulations created from CBE systems and standards, associates role-play realistic conversations and screen chats to master high-impact topics they will face with live customers and prepare for their transition to production. The personal, unbiased AI coach provides immediate feedback, including any time the associate deviates from the expected response. The AI coach also recognizes opportunities to improve soft skills such as tone and empathy. The associate receives a full scorecard that includes these details and feedback on compliance requirement metrics.

The Quality Assurance and Compliance Supervisor presents the scorecard to the associate to reinforce the Call Flow Guide’s importance. They explain why associates must comply with the regulations, the ramifications for non-compliance, and the most common findings. They also listen to pre-recorded sample calls with the new associate and solicit their feedback on the call using the Call Flow Guide.

Before transitioning to production, associates are evaluated with a comprehensive live call simulation with the trainer, who assesses the associate’s readiness based on the quality expectations of each business unit.

Quality assurance (QA) is the score assigned to the associate’s performance based on the interaction according to the standards set by the business unit. Acceptable QA scores are an ongoing measure for the associate. To support the measurement, the QA team meets with management every month. They use this time to discuss areas of opportunity relevant to the Call Flow Guide and how adherence can reduce findings. These meetings provide management with the items from the Call Flow Guide that should be focused on in the next month and trends that can be coached to before becoming critical issues.

In addition, associates can earn bonuses for consistently achieving QA scores of 90 percent or higher.


The Call Flow Guide ensures consistency and efficiency in a user-friendly platform and ensures associates give the most up-to-date and accurate information.

Members of management observed that associates using the Call Flow Guide consistently have achieved improved quality scores. Including the Call Flow Guide in the 8 Steps of a Collection Call training increased average quality scores by 75 percent from July 2022 to July 2023.

Edited by Lorri Freifeld
Lorri Freifeld is the editor/publisher of Training magazine, owned by Lakewood Media Group. She writes on a number of topics, including talent management, training technology, and leadership development. She spearheads two awards programs: the Training APEX Awards and Emerging Training Leaders. A writer/editor for the last 30 years, she has held editing positions at a variety of publications and holds a Master’s degree in journalism from New York University.