Launched in 2023, the Leadership Learning Journey was a new approach to leadership development at Michigan State University Federal Credit Union (MSUFCU). Previously, leadership development for leaders was outsourced and not part of a holistic and strategic approach. The change to be internally developed and incorporate a variety of learning options made the learning journey more relevant, specific to MSUFCU, and cost-effective.
The program was based on scientific, data-driven approaches and trusted content through the credit union’s partnership with leadership development institute Development Dimensions International (DDI). Through this partnership, course content was more intentionally selected and designed based on organizational needs and gaps, as well as industry data related to leadership needs.
Program Details
The 10-month program was delivered through a combination of structured in-person and virtual workshops, peer learning groups, self-assessments, microcourses, and senior leader support. Content focused on all three of the MSUFCU Leadership Competency categories:
- Lead Self
- Lead Others
- Lead Outcomes
This internally developed program addressed real situations of leadership at MSUFCU; offered a full range of immersive and engaging experiences to learn in the classroom, on demand, and from other MSUFCU leaders; and created an environment for career-long development and constant improvement.
The journey began in January, when leaders completed two self-assessments on leadership style and CliftonStrengths, filled out a Leadership Development Plan, and completed a microcourse on the first journey topic. In addition, leaders attended an orientation event, which gave an overview of the journey and expectations, and introduced groups to their Peer Learning Group cohort.
From March to October, leaders participated in four instructor-led courses focused on communication, coaching, executing strategy, and driving change—each with its own set of reinforcements, picking a moment of need to apply learning, and peer learning group meetups. Post-session reaction surveys were sent to measure Kirkpatrick Level 1 impact (learner reaction). The journey also was measured through Gallup Q12 engagement metrics, an impact evaluation survey sent to participants and their leaders, and through anecdotal feedback. Additionally, leaders were encouraged to engage in optional learning resources, including MSUFCU’s new Leadership Network podcast and other microcourses and eLearnings available in the Learning Center.
As part of this program, managers’ leaders attended a Reinforcing Leadership Development session to provide senior leaders an overview of the program, expectations for their involvement in supporting participation among leaders, and resources to do so.
The Leadership Learning Journey is now an annual program. With participant feedback and impact evaluation data from the first iteration, the 2024 Leadership Learning Journey was enhanced and refined.
MSUFCU collected employee feedback from the first cohort to determine leadership behavior changes (Kirkpatrick Level 3). This included employee responses to the following questions related to coaching and communication behaviors from their managers:
Q04: In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work.
This measure saw a 0.13 decrease from the previous year.
Q06: There is someone at work who encourages my development.
This measure saw a 0.07 decrease from the previous year.
Q11: In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress.
This measure saw a 0.09 decrease from the previous year.
Despite employee reported leader behaviors showing a slight decline, there was a slight increase of 0.06 in the overall management engagement from the year prior.
A focal area of the program was ensuring managers get more coaching and support from their senior leaders. MSUFCU did see a 0.33 increase on the specific item, “In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress,” among managers. Gallup considers anything over a .20 as a considerable increase.