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Matt Bradley

Matt Bradley
Matt Bradley (https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattrbrad11/) is the senior Learning & Development advisor at Open Sesame (https://www.opensesame.com), which helps develop productive and admired workforces. Bradley has been coaching and advising on talent development for more than seven years and has revolutionized training and materials to help drive results. The L&D environment is rapidly changing and requires a skilled eye to anticipate evolving markets. Bradley’s coaching expertise includes work-from-home onboarding, the COVID-19 pandemic, and social justice. With a comprehensive catalog of eLearning courses from the world’s top publishers, Open can help every step of the way—from finding courses, mapping them to your core competencies, and syncing them with your learning management system (LMS) to increasing utilization and improving your L&D programs. Open Sesame offers the flexibility of multiple purchasing options and easy administration of eLearning courses.

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