Do Women Still Have Added Leadership Challenges?
Organizations need to help women overcome the barriers to leadership that lie within them while also acknowledging and addressing the barriers that are not of their own making.
Would You Hire an Attorney with Pink Hair?
Many of us now understand and endorse the importance of respecting diversity in the other aspects of identity, but far fewer of us accept personal style that differs from what we are used to seeing for a person in a particular job role.
Does Your Company Need More “Fika”?
When employees get to know each other in a more informal setting, they grow more comfortable with each other, which should lead to more information sharing and better communication.
Combatting Employee Dissatisfaction
Honesty is the best policy, along with listening to and addressing issues quickly and fairly.
Helping Employees Feel Secure Enough to Tell the Truth
Roughly half of 1,000 American workers surveyed by Element Global don’t report issues to HR for fear of retaliation.
Are You Giving Employees a Good Reason to Stick with You?
Thanks to the pandemic, we are in what many are calling “The Great Resignation” as employees are evaluating whether to stay with their current organizations or explore other options.
Should You Force Technology Change on Employees?
When it comes to technology, “improved” does not always mean better for end-users who are not information technology technicians.
What Does It Mean to Be a People Person?
Contrary to popular belief, it’s more the deftness with interpersonal relations than gregarious cocktail party ease that makes a “people person.”
Equal Opportunity for Innovation
I’ve found that managers and department heads often need help acknowledging their biases about their expectations for employees, and then moving past those biases to be equally welcoming of innovation from ALL employees.
Should You Train Employees to Manage Up?
Helping employees optimize not just their own needs and work, but that of the people working above them.