Training Day Blog

Training Wellness

What does your company teach executives and managers about facilitating employee wellness? What aspects of your corporate culture make wellness more, rather than less, likely?

What Political Discussion in the Workplace Can Teach Your Company

What productive conversations, related to the workplace and business, can arise from the political debates happening right now? As Learning professionals, how can you create a safe and constructive forum for those discussions to take place?

Training on the Art of Delicate Conversation

Do you make it easy for employees to openly and constructively discuss uncomfortable issues with each other?

Can You Help Managers Energize Your Workforce?

Employees get energized when they see they have a future at the company, and their hard work is going to result in a pay raise, a higher-level title, and/or more exciting or challenging responsibilities.

Open Office Purgatory

As an introvert, who can’t tolerate eyes on her for long periods of time without feeling those eyes sucking the life out of her, few things in the workplace sound worse to me than an open office layout.

Should You Wire Employees for Happiness Measurement?

Some employers now are beginning to use technological methods to gauge employee well-being. At Hitachi, for example, employees wear happiness-measuring sensors that are housed in badges.

You Can’t Beat Olympic Athletes, So Join Them

Would your company be open to allowing work groups to watch some of this year’s Olympic games at the office together, and then to use this activity as a learning tool? What do you think the Olympics’ elite athletes and teams can teach your employees?

Cultivating the Learning Leader

Having the ability to listen attentively should be an initial interpersonal qualification. The quality that really should put a person over the top as a good candidate for promotion is having a passion for listening and learning about others.

Does Online Job Search Technology Work for Your Company?

When new positions open up, it’s not unusual for employers to receive hundreds, or even a thousand, or more, applications. The online universe promises such a great pool of applicants, it’s often too much of a good thing.

How Can We Best Train Police—and Ourselves?

The best way to neutralize bias so people are aware of it, and are hopefully able to make an effort to not let it influence their professional decisions, is exposure to those they otherwise might not interact with.

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