Magazine Articles

Left to My Own Devices


How-To: Use Technology to Reinforce Training

By Kendra Lee Technology provides a cost-effective, fun way to stay in front of your participants with key content reminders after the training is over. We’ve added technology-based reinforcement to all our training programs, and our clients have reaped big rewards. For one organization’s sales prospecting program, we used a combination of e-mail and video follow-up. One year later, prospecting continues to be a habit for the whole sales force, driving new customers and revenue for the company.

Soapbox: Lights, Cell Phone, Action!

An actor, a cell phone, and a solid storyline lead to an engaging onsite, in-person simulation to improve customer service.

Training magazine Events: From Learning as Usual to Learning Unusual

By Tony O’Driscoll Relationships, Reach, and Robots. These three discrete words may have a particular meaning to each of us prior to attending Learning 3.0, but after the conference, I hope they mean a whole lot more to those of us who spend our days designing, developing, and delivering learning.

Trainer Talk: Focus on the Fundamentals

By Bob Pike CSP, CPAE Often in this space I write about “excellence”—what it takes for trainers to shine at what we do. I meet thousands of other trainers every year who, like you and me, always look for ways to be incrementally better at our work, to be like the professional baseball players who get three hits out of every 10 times at bat instead of 2.75 times out of 10. (The difference in pay between these two, by the way, is about $10 million per year!)

World View: Focus on Peru

By Dr. Neil Orkin Peru is a country with tremendous natural resources, especially metals such as gold and copper. It is a land famous for the advances of the Incas, who had one of the most sophisticated cultures the world has known. With a population of 29 million and a location next to one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, Brazil, Peru is a land global organizations need to watch.

Best Practices: The Avatars Are Coming

By Neal Goodman, Ph.D.

Talent Tips: The Answer Is Blowing in the Wind

By Roy Saunderson As we scour the Internet, study research journals, and review the latest leadership and learning and development books, it is easy to get a little overwhelmed about where to focus and how we can best make a difference in the workplaces we serve in.

Last Word: It’s 1:50 p.m. Where Are You?

By Peter Post It’s 1:50 p.m., and you’re starting to feel uncomfortable. The meeting you’re in was scheduled for 1 to 2 p.m. But there is no end in sight, and you have a meeting scheduled for 2 to 3 p.m. with your team to finalize a project that is due at the end of the week. Back-to-back meetings are a scourge to businesspeople. Managers share their experiences and frustration with back-to-back meetings with me, so I often offer this scenario as a problem-solving exercise in business etiquette seminars for new hires.

Hack Attack

By Gail Dutton IT departments can’t ensure data security. Despite firewalls and anti-virus and anti-malware applications, cybersecurity experts say most computer systems already are infected, and there’s little IT administrators can do to prevent it. That’s the biggest surprise non-IT employees experience during computer security training. “Non-IT employees think cybersecurity isn’t their problem...and that IT has taken care of it,” notes Prenston Gale, director of information security for Dynamics Resource

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