What Drives Leadership Presence?
By Amy Su and Muriel Maignan Wilkins
When we lead executive programs, we start by asking people to think of someone they know who has effective presence. Then we ask them to describe that person’s impact. Why do they identify that particular person as having great presence? What are the qualities he or she exudes? Typically, this is what we hear:
A Fast Track to Credibility
By John Buelow, Executive Vice President, Shapiro Negotiations Institute
Why the Boardroom Needs to Visit the Battlefield
By Steven L. Ossad, Founder, Applied Battlefield Concepts LLC
Targeted Training Drives Business Results
Authors Paul H. Elliott, Ph.D., and Alfred C. Folsom, Ph.D., advocate a business strategy that drives greater results with existing resources based on benchmarking internal star performers. While their book, “Exemplary Performance: Driving Business Results by Benchmarking Your Star Performers,” is primarily targeted at executives and business leaders, it will serve to elevate their perception of the value that trainers produce when leveraging a human performance improvement approach.
Farmers’ Presidential Leadership Program
Edited by Margery Weinstein
To reach aggressive business goals, Farmers Insurance says it needs leaders who understand the destination and can inspire others to reach objectives as a team. Launched in February 2011, Farmers’ Presidential Leadership Program (PLP) develops emotionally intelligent, “whole” leaders who will engage the company’s employees to exceed business goals.
Securing Exams Against Fraud
By Jill Burroughs, Director of Test Security, Pearson VUE
The Multigenerational Workforce Communication Conundrum
By Dana Brownlee, President, Professionalism Matters, Inc.
Evolution of the ETextbook
By David Grebow, Principal Learning Analyst, Brandon Hall Group
The eTextbook, a digital and greatly enhanced version of the print textbook, is in the process of transforming how we learn. The evolution has been fast, and the pace of change promises to increase even faster through the increased use of RFL (Reading for Learning) apps. These appsenable learning, make eTextbooks “smarter,” and give rise to Content as a Service (CaaS), according to new research by Brandon Hall Group.
The Importance of Listening
By Rose Fass
The Lost Art of Critical Thinking
By Robert S. Murray
As a former C-Suite executive in a Fortune 100 company and someone who has a passion around training and development, I have started to notice something rather peculiar with employees who are new to the workplace in the last few years.
When I interview or work with Gen “Yers” or “New Millennials” who recently graduated from MBA programs, I’ve discovered that their general capability to think critically was significantly different than those who were older. This is starting to perplex me.