How to Improve Your Brand and Workplace Performance
By Jason Forrest
In April 2012, I had a branding session to discuss everything our company is and isn’t. For a full day, we discussed our values, strengths, and passions. We talked about the unique qualities that separate our brand from others. It’s an important exercise for any business, but it’s important for individuals, too.
The Energy Industry Takes on Training
By Clara Lippert Glenn, President and CEO, The Oxford Princeton Programme
With the U.S. unemployment rate continuing to hover just above 8 percent, it’s surprising to learn that many companies are having significant trouble filling job openings. According to last year’s survey by staffing firm Manpower Group, more than half of the nation’s employers can’t find qualified workers—and are actively looking.
From Learning to Performing (Part 1)
By Neil Shorney, Director, Naturally Sales Ltd.
In the early days of my career, I attended a lot training courses: about time management, the energy industry, 3G telecommunications, how networks work…And I gained a lot of information from these courses. I still have most of this learning—it’s in my attic, just in case I ever need it.
In Search of モStickyヤ Management Training
By Bruce Tulgan
Last June I found myself talking through an age-old challenge with a longstanding client, the director of training at a well-known insurance company: “What do we need to do to make our management training really stick?”
Indeed, we have been trying to answer this question since we first began offering management training programs in 1995.
Top 20 Things to Negotiate for When Terminated from a Job
By Suzanne Kleinberg
So you have been terminated. Assuming you haven’t been fired for just cause, your (soon-to-be- ex-) employer has handed you with an envelope with a termination package. What do you do now?
Firstly, do not sign anything until you have had a couple of days to get over the shock and humiliation. Don’t succumb to pressure from your employer to sign it during your termination meeting. They are not allowed to coerce you to agree to anything. It would not be binding as you are signing under duress.
10 Tips for Global Training Instructors
By Jennifer Lawrence, Founder, Cambridge Corporate Training
Once your company’s global training program is launched and underway, it’s time to turn your attention to the instructor’s teaching approach, whether the training will be offered onsite or online through Webinars and virtual classrooms. Here are 10 important teaching tips you can use to ensure that each stage in the instructional process flows smoothly and succeeds in:
Bite-Size Is the Right Size
By Sebastian Bailey, Ph.D., Co-Founder and President, Mind Gym
We live in a culture of instant updates and short attention spans. We struggle to spend seconds away from our smart phones, never mind days out of the office in training. But that doesn’t mean personal development must sit on the back burner. From sermons to ancient Greek plays, piano lessons to TV documentaries, we have learned things in bite-size chunks for thousands of years. Why should training at work be any different?
Bite-size Is Cheaper and More Effective
Using Pictures to Train
By Tim Rymel, M.Ed., Owner,
Baylor Health Care Gauges Engagement
By Margery Weinstein
Supercompetent Speaking: Proper Presentation Attire
By Laura Stack, MBA, CSP
Most business professionals quickly learn and understand the basics of presentation attire. But I’ve come to the conclusion that a many people suffer from colorblindness, complete lack taste, or else have no idea how to dress professionally. Admittedly, for a few speakers, dysfunctional dress is their shtick (you know who you are). But the rest need a quick review on image on the platform.