Online Articles

Understanding (and Maximizing) the Work Practice of the Digital Native

The following is taken from Chapter 1: “When Facebook Comes to Work: Understanding the Work Practice of the Digital Native,” by Brynn Evans. Work as a Practice

Bust Out of Recession Mode—How to Rally the Troops

By Mike Noble, Managing Partner, Camden Consulting Group Leaders must be able to help their employees see the possibility and promise of what is to come, while making peace with the past. A company can’t succeed unless its employees are invested in its success, and they need to get into the right mindset. An organization’s leadership team must have the ability to motivate and inspire. Here’s what leaders need to do to rally their troops and get them excited about the future:

Harnessing the Power of Crowdsourcing

By Diane Youden, Principal, PwC

Effective Leadership Coaching Starts with the Right Culture

By Michael Stewart, Managing Partner, Work Effects One area of human resources that has grown considerably in recent years is leadership coaching. Coaching leaders isn’t about teaching a leader to do the things they already know how to do but just a bit better. It is about putting the ball in the hands of their teammates and guiding them to victory.

Maintain Workstation Posture

Millions of people each year sit in front of a computer with an arched back, crooked neck, and other poor posture habits. While many may view the threat of ergonomic-related injury as some type of a fairy tale, the potential for injury from repeated muscle stress is a scientific fact.

What’s Your Refresh Learning Strategy?

By Dan Cooper, CEO, Ask a training professional about a certain skill set for employees and you’ll often hear something like, “Oh, we trained them on that two years ago.” The built-in assumption is, once you train employees on a topic, they’ve mastered it forever.

Making It Stick

By Kevin R. Glover, M.S., M.Ed., Vice President, Corporate Communications, Clinical Education and Sales Training, and Connie Murray, R.D., M.Ed., Director of Clinical Education and Sales Training at B. Braun Medical Inc.

True North Groups: A Powerful Path to Personal and Leadership Development

By Bill George and Doug Baker As a result of myriad leadership and economic failures in the past, both personal growth and leadership development are undergoing a significant rethinking. Macroeconomic theories prevalent for the last 30 years convinced many opinion leaders that people are motivated by monetary gains alone and act only in their economic self-interest.

Integrity and the Role of HRD

By Al Watts, Founder, inTEgro, Inc. With all the apparent lapses of integrity we’ve witnessed, why are we not seeing more attention paid by the HR and HRD world? What should the roles of HR and HRD professional be? Here are three reasons it may be difficult to get our arms around integrity, and suggestions for helping leaders and their organizations function at the highest possible level:

Creating a Holistic Talent Management Team

By Richard Lynell What does a holistic talent management team look like? Well, that answer varies, depending on your organization and its leadership, culture, and environment. But regardless of this, I believe a talent management team should be an independent function of the organization, similar to an internal audit team.

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