Online Articles

Ask for Feedback

By Jodi Glickman, President and Founder, Great on the Job There are two overriding goals of getting constructive feedback—they are both equally important, and neither trumps or negates the other: Make the feedback as useful as possible to you. Make the request as easy as possible on the person giving the feedback. Goal #1: Make the Feedback as Useful as Possible to You

Happiness Breeds Success

By Shawn Achor If you observe people around you, you’ll find most individuals follow a formula that has been subtly or not so subtly taught to them by their schools, their company, their parents, or society. That is: If you work hard, you will become successful, and once you become successful, then you’ll be happy. This pattern of belief explains what most often motivates us in life. We think: If I just get that raise, or hit that next sales target, I’ll be happy. If I lose that five pounds, I’ll be happy. And so on. Success first, happiness second.

Why Companies Need a Strategic HR Partner

By Rajeev Peshawaria

Conversation Continuers and Terminators

By Andy Boynton and Bill Fischer with William Bole Conversations are building blocks of innovation, ways to move an idea from origination to application. But they often stall at the starting gate or become unproductive. To create successful conversation, make sure you’re sending the right signals to your conversation partners, letting them know you’re interested in a real exchange of ideas. Recent studies of how doctors talk to patients (often ineptly) are instructive.

How to Repair a Damaged Relationship

By Travis Bradberry, Ph.D. Conflict is a normal part of two people with different needs, interests, and motivations coming together. It’s how conflict is handled that determines the quality and ultimate success of a relationship. Researchers at the University of Washington (the same researchers who can predict the future success of a relationship with 93 percent accuracy) have discovered that successful relationships address conflict using a single technique-one so effective at addressing conflict that it’s called a repair. Repair

Client Service Cycle Training at Grant Thornton

Grant Thornton LLP describes “distinctive client service” as its calling card. Yet with 4,200 accounting professionals in six service lines supporting diverse industries, delivering consistent client service was challenging. In response, Grant Thornton created the Client Service Cycle (CSC), a well-defined, repeatable, six-step process for developing relationships and delivering value. Here is how the firm put this program together, including the results it generated:

Events to Remember

By Kristen Coulter, Director of Communication, JP Horizons Business leaders often attend a professional development seminar, write down some notes in a binder, put it on a shelf when they return to the office, and get back to the daily grind. It’s a situation that costs companies money without producing many results.

Break Your Own Rules: Proceed Until Apprehended

By Jill Flynn, Kathryn Heath, and Mary Davis Holt There are plenty of instances in life when proper protocol entails obeying the rules. However, there are many othertimes when you need to give yourself the green light to proceed. Being bold and resolute takes practice. The best way to add assertiveness to your repertoire is by looking for opportunities to flex your muscles. Here are some hints to help you proceed until apprehended:

Ethical Lessons from the Penn State Case

By Darnell Lattal, Ph.D., CEO and President, Aubrey Daniels International (ADI) Penn State’s story of bad decisions and bad behavior sparked a national debate about personal moral conduct and the school’s perceived institutional failure to do the right thing. There were tremendous failures of judgment, of action, and of inaction. Since none of us are immune from acting unethically, what can we do to ensure our workplaces are not caught in our own failures of judgment, of action, and of inaction?

Global Leadership Training: What’s Missing?

By Ernest Gundling, Ph.D., Aperian Global

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