Online Articles

Simulation Leads to Success in High-Consequence Training

By David J. Letts, Vice President, RaytheonProfessional Services LLC

Developing Leaders in Emerging Markets

By Abraham Zachariah, Vice President, Capability Development Lead- India, Business Process Outsourcing, Accenture Arguably one of the biggest challenges most organizations face today in emerging markets such as India is the ability to manage a young work force and channel their abundant energies. This young work force is restless and tech savvy, seeks instant gratification, and needs to be constantly challenged and engaged. To top it all off, they seem to have numerous options in front of them, and loyalty to the organization is no longer considered a virtue.

Social Media Policy 101

By Heidi Carpenter, Fafinski Mark & Johnson, P.A. By the end of 2012, Facebook will be home to more than 1 billion users; Twitter will have registered 500 million-plus users; and YouTube will far surpass 4 billion views per day. These incredible numbers indicate social media will continue to shape the ways in which we communicate. The rise of social media also has transformed the landscape of the workplace.

Ho-Chunk Shares Its Way of Life

By Margery Weinstein

Going on the E-Mail Offensive

By David Grossman, ABC, APR, Fellow PRSA, CEO, The Grossman Group E-mail is one of the most pervasive forms of communications in the workplace today. estimates 107 trillion e-mails were sent in 2010, with an average of 294 billion sent a day. From our work with Fortune 100 companies and employees, we’re hearing more and more that employees are overloaded by e-mail, and it’s causing them stress.

4 Essential Rules for Emerging Leaders

By Sal Silvester Look at you—you’re a rising star! You’re smart and successful. People are taking real notice of how good you are in your job as an engineer, financial analyst, customer service representative, software developer, sales representative, or nurse. Life is sweet, but something is about to rock your world. You are about to get promoted.

Nominate a 2013 Emerging Training Leader Today

Training magazine is pleased to offer the 2013 Emerging Training Leaders awards program. This program replaces the Top Young Trainers awards program and has an entirely different nomination form. The Emerging Training Leaders awards program aims to recognize training professionals who are relatively new to the training/learning and development industry (minimum of two years and maximum of 10 years in the field) and who have demonstrated exceptional leadership skills, business savvy, and training instincts.

Boost Your Training Program with Mobile Learning

By Chris Kiggins, Director, Creative Development, BlueVolt

Supercompetent Speaking: Emergency Speech Surgery

You've prepared for weeks to dazzle an audience with your brilliant 45-minute speech at a big conference...and then...minutes before show time, an apologetic organizer approaches you. He explains that because they got a late start and an earlier speaker went on longer than expected (Mortal Speaker Sin), they can only spare you 20 minutes - so you’ll have to cut your speech short.

Mobile Content: The Big Picture

By Chad Udell Mobile learning is a large area unto itself. Just like e-learning, m-learning can be delivered in many different ways. E-learning delivery modes include traditional narrative and presentational learning delivery, scenario-based training, soft skills training, games, and software simulation. Although m-learning is less mature than e-learning, it, too, can be delivered via differing modes.

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