Online Articles

Integrity and the Role of HRD

By Al Watts, Founder, inTEgro, Inc. With all the apparent lapses of integrity we’ve witnessed, why are we not seeing more attention paid by the HR and HRD world? What should the roles of HR and HRD professional be? Here are three reasons it may be difficult to get our arms around integrity, and suggestions for helping leaders and their organizations function at the highest possible level:

Creating a Holistic Talent Management Team

By Richard Lynell What does a holistic talent management team look like? Well, that answer varies, depending on your organization and its leadership, culture, and environment. But regardless of this, I believe a talent management team should be an independent function of the organization, similar to an internal audit team.

Rock-Steady Leadership

By Connie Charles, Founder and CEO, Strategic Solutions International Inc.

8 Pillars of Trust

By David Horsager Everything of value is built on trust, from financial systems to relationships.

2012 Training Top 125 Winners Announced

Minneapolis, MN (November 18, 2011)—Training magazine, the leading business publication for learning and development professionals, today announced the finalists for the annual Training Top 125, which ranks companies’ excellence in employer-sponsored training and development programs. The rankings for the 125 leading organizations will be unveiled during an awards gala at the Training 2012 Conference & Expo, to be held February 13-15 in Atlanta, GA.

Leading with Humility

By Merwyn A. Hayes, Ph.D., and Michael Comer, D.M.

Must-Have Media Training

By Gerard Braud Natural disasters have emergency managers, emergency operations centers, and public information officers in high demand for telephone interviews with the Weather Channel, CNN, and other media outlets. So why is it, with the wealth of official knowledge available from these officials, the Weather Channel suddenly cuts away during Tropical Storm Lee to interview some yahoo resident standing in flood waters at his home in Mandeville, Louisiana?

Insightful Ethics Training Can Be a Game Changer

By Pat Quinn, Managing Director, and Pamela Verick, Director, Protiviti Inc. During prosperous economic times, ethical business principles may be overlooked when the next moneymaking deal seems right around the corner. When cash is flowing, few extol the virtues of a strong corporate culture and how it contributes to long-term business success. Yet, many learn in hindsight the value of these principles.

Use Telemarketing to Generate Qualified Sales Leads

By Jim Graziano, President, Onset Marketing LLC Business telemarketing is a reliable method to generate qualified sales leads. Many accounting, consulting, law, technology, and other professional service businesses are turning to business telemarketing to generate new immediate, short- and long-term sales opportunities.

Re-Inventing Learning at Whirlpool University

By Tamara Patrick, Director, Whirlpool University

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