Case Study: The UPS Store/Cal Poly Training
By Marianne Hamilton,Training and Development Manager, The UPS Store network
When the franchisor of The UPS Store decided to grow its business printing services, it knew it needed a training curriculum for its franchisees that was consistent, scalable… and convincing.
Case Study: The UPS Store/Cal Poly Training
By Marianne Hamilton,Training and Development Manager, The UPS Store network
When the franchisor of The UPS Store decided to grow its business printing services, it knew it needed a training curriculum for its franchisees that was consistent, scalable… and convincing.
Developing a Drug-Free Workplace
By Michael Rich
Almost 70 percent of drug users are employed, 20 percent admit to using marijuana on the job, and more than 30 percent know of the sale of illegal drugs in the workplace. It is staggering numbers such as these pushing 90 percent of all large businesses to adopt drug-free workplace programs.
Training Corporate Workers Like Fighter Pilots
By Eric Vidal, Director of Product Marketing, Event Services Business Segment, InterCall
New Article: Developing a Drug-Free Workplace
By Michael Rich
Almost 70 percent of drug users are employed, 20 percent admit to using marijuana on the job, and more than 30 percent know of the sale of illegal drugs in the workplace. It is staggering numbers such as these pushing 90 percent of all large businesses to adopt drug-free workplace programs.
Core Competencies: Setting Training Up for Failure?
By Dan Cooper, CEO,
When it comes to training, the “competence” word gets thrown around a lot. The assumption is that everyone knows what it means, but that often isn’t the case. You need to make sure you know which of two definitions you’re talking about, and what the training department is signing up for.
Core Competence
Tips to Re-engage Your Team
By Carl Eidson, Ph.D., Vice President, Business Development, Wilson Learning
How to Teach a Course That Doesn’t Exist
By Ken Wax
People—usually successful, senior-level people—will speak of this course easily, almost casually. They seem to know it well, as if they’ve taken it themselves. And the day may come when you hear it requested, with little further explanation, as the cure to some pretty serious problems.
What course is this? It’s called “Sales 101”—and no one has ever taken it.
The Right Choice
By Darryl S. Doane; Rose D. Sloat; and David S. Doane, Ph.D.
A critical component of my focus may be the right choice. We once heard a story of a farmer who had an old mule. One day, the farmer is out working and hears a distressful wailing that sounds as if something terrible has happened.
New Article: The Right Choice
By Darryl S. Doane; Rose D. Sloat; and David S. Doane, Ph.D.
A critical component of my focus may be the right choice. We once heard a story of a farmer who had an old mule. One day, the farmer is out working and hears a distressful wailing that sounds as if something terrible has happened.