Use Telemarketing to Generate Qualified Sales Leads
By Jim Graziano, President, Onset Marketing LLC
Business telemarketing is a reliable method to generate qualified sales leads. Many accounting, consulting, law, technology, and other professional service businesses are turning to business telemarketing to generate new immediate, short- and long-term sales opportunities.
Re-Inventing Learning at Whirlpool University
By Tamara Patrick, Director, Whirlpool University
CHG Healthcare Services LEAPs Ahead
By Margery Weinstein
At the end of 2009, CHG Healthcare Services launched a new two-part Leadership Development Program. Employees interested in a leadership opportunity within the company now can speak to their managers about the Leadership Evaluation and Assessment Program (LEAP), which is designed for those ready to move into leadership in the next six to 12 months. The program was developed to gather information on potential leaders and pinpoint areas for growth that are essential for all CHG leaders. Here is how it works:
I’m Happy You Made a Mistake
By Mary Hladio, Founder and President Ember Carriers Leadership Group
Minor mistakes in the workplace can be something such as overwriting a file that does not affect others but wasted your time rebuilding; major mistakes are those that affect others or the bottom line, such as overwriting the only copy of a customer database.
Siemens USA Revamps Its Recognition Program
By Mike Ryan, Senior Vice President, Marketing & Strategy, Madison Performance Group
Creating and implementing a successful large-scale employee recognition program in the workplace can be a challenge in any environment. Inherently, obstacles can be more complex within a self-governing business structure. Siemens USA—with 60,000 employees in all 50 states and Puerto Rico—recognized the need for a company-wide program that balanced its business autonomy with enhanced corporate-level visibility, oversight, and control requirements.
Asia’s Contribution to EI: The Power of Paradox
By Sebastien Henry
“Asian thinking doesn’t ignore paradoxes: It turns them into harmony, as both parts of the paradox can be reconciled. This ability to reconcile paradoxes proves very useful when it comes to emotional intelligence, as it means that we don’t have to compromise.”
One of my previous bosses, the international director based at the headquarters of my firm in Europe, would often say: “Chinese people are really unnecessarily complicated.”
Trainer vs. Mentor
By Joe Lipham, Training Account Manager, Signature Worldwide
One morning while working in my former position as a human resource director for a resort, I was finishing my daily coffee run when my front-office manager, Kate, approached me. She was relatively new in her position and usually was full of ideas and had lots of energy—she was ready to make her mark on the organization! Unfortunately, I could see on this occasion that she was looking a little down.
Supercompetent Speaking: Pre-Presentation Preparations
By Laura Stack, MBA, CSP, NSA President
Good presenters spend time preparing for speeches, both in the long and short terms. Earlier columns have reviewed long-term preparation; in this article, let’s discuss the practical steps you can take immediately before an event to maximize impact and value for the audience. As your presentation comes down to the wire, keep these tips in mind:
Values? What For?
By Thierry Wellhoff
In the corporate environment, the subject of values often is viewed either with mistrust—and there have been many cavils, at times exaggerated—or with a zeal that may induce dizzying hopes, or end in bitter disappointment.
Evaluating Training Providers
By Hank Moore, Corporate Strategist
Everyone talks about the benefits of training, but it’s important to identify these benefits in your organization. Then, when you are ready to look at potential training providers, you will know exactly what you should expect to receive from them. Below are the seven biggest benefits of training, followed by tips for selecting and evaluating training providers.
7 Biggest Benefits of Training