Front-Line Management 101: I Quit! Why? My Manager!

Employee attrition is an issue all managers face—whether they decide to deal with it or not.

Benjamin Franklin said: “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Perhaps a third should be added: employee attrition. It is an issue all managers face—whether they decide to deal with it or not.

A survey found that more than half of the people who voluntarily quit their jobs attributed at least part of the reason to their direct manager, and more than 90% blamed some part of the leadership team. Although the numbers may sound startling, they probably are not surprising. Yet the simple answer stares back at managers.

  1. Take care of your people, take care of your job. Do you know what motivates your people? What drives them to do more than their job description? Take a few minutes. Ask.

  2. Never stop learning. That includes learning from your team. They have a wealth of knowledge in areas you may not have. Ask. Let them lead.

  3. Do what you say. Say what you do. Employees need predictability —they can’t read your mind. This provides an equal understanding of what they can do and how they can do it—and let’s you know what they need to excel.

For more on the changing trends of employee attrition and to contribute your story, visit: