Front-Line Management 101: Just Go for It!

Trust yourself. Trust your instinct. You’re a lot better than you think!

At the beginning of this year, we resolved to be better leaders—for our team, ourselves, our organizations— and we’ve found several ways to do that along the way.

Now it is year end, and maybe you’re looking at the next phase: the next year, your next job, or just moving forward in your career. You’ve found something that works, but you’re afraid of taking the wrong step. You could fail—and worse, you could fail your team.

I recently went mountain biking for the first time, and as I started on the path, I asked another bike rider who had just finished the course if he had any advice. He said, “Trust your bike—it’s a lot stronger than you think it is.” He was right. There were times I thought I was going to bite the dust (or run into a tree!), but the sturdy tires and structure of the bike kept me upright and moving forward.

To finish your year, you can follow the same advice. Trust yourself. Trust your instinct. You’re a lot better than you think. The next job you take, person you hire, or project you accept might not ultimately be the best one, but it is the right one for right now.

Just go for it!