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January 2025


L&D Best Practices: Strategies for Success (January 2025)

Training magazine taps 2025 Training APEX Awards winners and Training Hall of Famers to provide their learning and development best practices in each issue. Here, we look at GreyStar’s blueprint for embedding customer service excellence into a learning culture.

Building Your Relationship Skills

We need to learn how others want to be treated; understand and leverage their own unique strengths and passion; and adapt an approach and interactions that prevents delays, errors, and misunderstandings.

Everyone Wins When L&D Meets CSR

How passion projects develop skills and boost talent retention.

Navigating the Complexities of Return-to-Office (RTO) Policies

How to effectively balance company and employee needs.

Developing Local Talent to Address Growing HR and Payroll Complexity

When it comes to addressing global HR and payroll complexities, multinational businesses need to strike a balance between implementing top-down standardized policies and ensuring they adapt successfully to local laws and practices.

Preparing for and Implementing “The Great Retraining”

Employers and workers alike need to launch an effort now to channel the coming AI job destruction wave into a long-run positive force for workers.

Blaze Your Brainstorming Trail

Don’t rush into a learning solution without a thorough brainstorming effort and ideation with samples and prototypes.

Lead, Don’t Manage

We need to keep management guru Charles Handy’s words in mind: “I truly believe that managing people, instead of leading them, is wrong and has resulted in too many dysfunctional and unhappy workplaces. People are more than a human resource.”

Why Workplace Learning Fails: Lessons from Pixar University

At Pixar, sacrificing short-term profit for a healthy, thriving learning culture wasn’t a gamble—it was an investment in long-term success.

Productivity Coach’s Corner: The Power of Recognition

Recognition is a strategic driver of engagement and innovation.

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