Home March / April 2018

March / April 2018

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Productivity Coach’s Corner: 3 Kinds of Mentors You Never Thought About

This month, meet with three mentors and focus on just ONE question: “How did you get to where you are?”

Shall We Dance?

A special performance by dance troupe Pilobolus during our Training Top 125 Gala last month in Atlanta reminded me how much learning is like dancing.

Top 10 Hall of Fame Outstanding Training Initiatives (March/April 2018)

Each year Training magazine requires all Training Top 10 Hall of Famers to submit an Outstanding Training Initiative that is shared with our readers in a print issue. Here are the details of Capital BlueCross’ Consultative Training with Insights and PwC’s Project Management Foundations for Assurance adaptive e-learning.

L&D Best Practies: Strategies for Success (March/April 2018)

Training magazine taps 2018 Training Top 125 winners and Top 10 Hall of Famers to provide their learning and development best practices in each issue. Here, we look at how Penn Station East Coast Subs drafts a training program and how Windham Professionals creates employee satisfaction.

Training Heats Up In Hotlanta

The Training 2018 Conference & Expo ignites participants’ passion for learning and making connections.

5 Ways In-House L&D Pros Can Become More Entrepreneurial

By prioritizing your internal clients’ needs, wants, and demands, you can position yourself as an indispensable in-house training professional.

Adapting To Adaptive Learning

Adaptive learning enables an individualized, contextual approach that focuses on what learners need and directs instructors to where they are most needed.

Crafting A Holistic Approach To Learning

Companies are finding that learners increasingly benefit from courses that are offered in many different ways, partly for convenience, and more importantly, for knowledge retention.

Partners In Learning

Collaborating with the right internal partners within your organization can make the difference between reaching learning goals and falling short.

Online Partners

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