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Forecasting the Future of Work for Tomorrow’s Employers

While some companies have hemorrhaged hard-won talent in droves from layoffs during the Coronavirus pandemic, others have struggled to recruit the numbers they need...

Tech-YES! for 2021

2021 is a new year, and I’ve resolved to up my tech-savvy factor.

Our Responsibility to Create Talent Mobility

How do we enable a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace by enabling talent development programs to accelerate internal mobility?

Tech Talk (Jan. 2021)

Find out about the latest advances in training technology.

The Pandemic’s Impact on HR Roles and Functions Going Forward

As we look at both the global pandemic, as well as the social injustices that took place in the U.S. over the last year, HR teams find themselves evolving and taking on slightly different roles.

Make the Personal Connection in the New World of Virtual Work

Trainers know how to create learning environments that focus on the emotional side of organizations to help create connection, empathy, and talent development in support of individual and organizational performance in this new world of work.

Using Personalization to Pinpoint Recruiting

A look at how automotive supplier Brose strengthened its hiring practices with an emphasis on using AI technology that focused on segmentation and personalization.

How Will Your Office Be Different in 2021 and Beyond?

Maybe a virtue of the pandemic is that it showed us how little physical location, and particular hours worked, makes to the end product and delivery of work.

How to Train and Develop Employees in the Age of Automation

Learning and Development (L&D) leaders need to ensure the benefits of intelligence technology are properly communicated across the entire organization to avoid a perception of fear and instill engagement.

No Longer Just for the Overly Ambitious, Lifelong Learning Is Now an Economic Imperative

A three-step process to create a culture of lifelong learning that not only upskills your workforce, but also delivers a great ROI.

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