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Preparing Global Virtual Teams for Success
With proper training, connection, and creativity, true collaboration can be accomplished in global virtual teams.
Strengthening Darden’s Diverse Pipeline
Full-service dining company Darden recognizes strength in diversity. As such, Darden provides targeted development for women and minorities through a variety of external conference, partnerships, and development opportunities.
Now’s the Time for Environmental Training
The ability of environmental training to deliver benefits rests on the development of a vibrant partnership between the learning and development, environmental, and business sectors.
Unconscious Bias
Research demonstrates that we all harbor unconscious biases. The good news is that enhanced awareness and training can create an inclusive culture that identifies and helps eliminate these hidden biases.
Health-Care Emergency: It’s Not What You Think
It is critical for hospitals and health-care providers to attain a high level of Cultural Competency proficiency if they are going to survive. A four-step training approach can be the prescription for success.
The Shape of Talent
For many years, the corporate world has relied on two proxies to measure individual talent. The first is credentials, which provide a convenient estimate of the facts a person has mastered or the knowledge an individual possesses. The second is a person’s technical skills, which usually are assessed by previous work experience. But could there be more?
Helping Trainees Succeed Overseas
I was having brunch recently with the former VP of sales for one of the world’s most prestigious and elegant hotels, which is based in Singapore. As we got to talking, he mentioned that he was asked to be the VP of sales for a brand new hotel that was considered one of the top hotels in the world. I mentioned that one of the areas I work in is the training and development of expatriates for international assignments. His reaction was one I have heard more than 50 times: “I wish I had known you before I went to Asia.”
Supercompetent Speaking: Inject Passion and Enthusiasm Into Your Presentations
Most people would prefer to listen to anything presented enthusiastically over even the most important information presented dully. Under the right conditions, you and your audience can feed off each others’ passion and excitement, and you’ll create something special that will change their lives—and yours.
Focus on Denmark
A manager in Denmark is more a leader, a coach, a guide compared to the more directive managers of the U.S.
Leaders as Teachers: The Next Generation
Would the leaders of your organization be willing to serve as teachers of strategy, innovation, new product development, or a new diversity initiative? How well equipped are they at using blogging and other social media to teach?