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Best Practices: Flipping the Classroom
By Neal Goodman, Ph.D., President, Global Dynamics, Inc.
Is it possible to provide the learning and development that usually would take place in a classroom environment and flip it so the content is provided before the class ever meets? The value of classroom instruction is the spontaneity and serendipitous learning that cannot be replicated in an online e-learning classroom. But it is possible to use online tools for their maximum benefit and still retain the value of interpersonal interaction.
Framing a Sustainable Inclusion Initiative
By Mark Kaplan and Mason Donovan
Best Practices: T&D Transformation
By Neal Goodman, Ph.D., President, and John Schieman, Vice President, Global Programs and Marketing, Global Dynamics, Inc.
The ubiquity of information networks and mobile computing is transforming the nature and quality of global learning. More than ever, learning is now a continuous process, delivered through just-in-time training and other techniques that maximize value.
Continuous Learning
Filling the Hispanic Leadership Gap
By Frank Lloyd, Associate Dean, Executive Education, Southern Methodist University Cox School of Business
Although the U.S. Hispanic market—47 million strong—represents the nation’s largest ethnic minority, gaps in representation continue to exist within U.S. companies. Hispanic managers are significantly underrepresented in executive and senior executive positions.
Best Practices: How to Be a Great Bosshole
By Neal Goodman, Ph.D.
We all have heard that being a great Bosshole is not genetic but learned. Still, I am certain that one day an MRI or some genetic research is going to find a malevolent gene or brain defect that causes BAD (Bosshole Abusiveness Disorder).
Examining Virtual Work in Todayメs Workplace
By Jill Attkisson, Global Insights and Innovations Research Leader, and Carol Sladek, Partner and Work-Life Consulting Leader, Aon Hewitt
Best Practices: Can Trust Be Taught?
By Neal Goodman, Ph.D., President, Global Dynamics, Inc.
Afundamental impediment in human interactions is the lack of trust. According to Stephen M.R. Covey, author of bestseller “The Speed of Trust,” training programs to promote trust enhance performance and profitability.
Best Practices: Music as a Metaphor in Training
By Neal Goodman, Ph.D., President, Global Dynamics, Inc.
World View: Focus on Turkey
By Sirin Köprücü, Senior Associate, Global Dynamics, Inc.
Empowering People to Remedy Risk
By Sonia Alvarez-Robinson, Director, and Kevin Alas, Associate, PwC, People & Change Practice