The Changing eLearning Landscape

Some 92% of people dedicate at least one hour per month to learning digitally, an increase from 2023, according to a survey by Thinkific Labs Inc.

After a year of massive shifts across the technology sector (hello, ChatGPT!) and the wider economy, the online education landscape is changing and online learning is growing, according to the 2024 Online Learning Trends Report released by Thinkific Labs Inc. (, a platform for creating, marketing, and selling online learning products. The report found that 92% of people dedicate at least one hour per month to learning digitally, an increase from 2023. And 62% of people say they’re more interested in creators who make digital content for educational purposes than entertainment purposes. This is up from 57% last year.

The report used consumer survey findings from more than 2,500 Americans and expert creator insights to predict trends in the online learning industry and wider creator economy. Key trends include:

  • AI isn’t destroying online education; it’s increasing creator productivity. Some 53% of people have used or would consider using AI in their work.
  • All platforms become learning platforms. Online learning isn’t just limited to traditional platforms anymore. Channels such as YouTube and TikTok and podcasts are all viable platforms to grow audiences focused on educational content. Some 47% of 18- to 25-year-olds use TikTok for learning.
  • People want downloadable content. This include guides, ebooks, articles, and templates.
  • Private communities provide welcome respite from social media fatigue. People are seeking out private chats and communities as safe havens to learn and connect with others.

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Edited by Lorri Freifeld
Lorri Freifeld is the editor/publisher of Training magazine, owned by Lakewood Media Group. She writes on a number of topics, including talent management, training technology, and leadership development. She spearheads two awards programs: the Training APEX Awards and Emerging Training Leaders. A writer/editor for the last 30 years, she has held editing positions at a variety of publications and holds a Master’s degree in journalism from New York University.