Training Hall of Fame Outstanding Training Initiatives (June 2024)

Each year Training magazine requires all Training Hall of Famers to submit an Outstanding Training Initiative that we share with our readers. Here are the details of Leading Real Estate Companies of the World’s LMS Train-the-Trainer Program and United Wholesale Mortgage’s Mission Impossible Team Building Training Activity.

training hall of fame


Leading Real Estate Companies of the World (LeadingRE) is a real estate network that provides services to its 550 member companies, largely independent real estate agencies. One of its popular services is providing a learning management system (LMS) with more than 2,000 courses for real estate agents and other employees to stay knowledgeable and competitive in an ever-changing market.

In early 2022 LeadingRE’s leadership team recognized that its homegrown LMS needed modernization, so the organization decided to migrate to a commercial system, Docebo, to offer improvements to its member companies and 130,000 learners. The new LMS launched in late 2022. LeadingRE needed to train its members—who are trainers/admins themselves—to orient them to the new platform, teach them how to track and manage user learning, and equip them to teach their learners (real estate agents, the primary audience of the LMS’ training materials) how to access courses and make the most of the new platform.

Program Details

LeadingRE faced several challenges in developing and implementing the LMS Train-the-Trainer Program, including:

  1. A new LMS Administrator, Sarah Leddon, needed to learn the Docebo platform.
  2. The new system has significant differences from the previous platform, initially causing confusion for member company trainers.
  3. As a network made up of independent member companies across six continents and multiple time zones, it can be difficult to schedule time with members for one-on-one meetings.

The new LMS administrator, Leddon, took training courses in “Docebo University” and met with third-party consultants eSkillz (who are Docebo experts) to learn the platform. While supporting trainers in one-on-one meetings, she learned about their pain points (i.e., confusing areas of the new platform and/or features that were significantly different in the old system). She used this feedback to create presentations to explain the features of the new LMS; address differences from old system; explain the two tiers for LMS usage (one complimentary and one based on a yearly subscription); and create a comprehensive user guide with training courses that trainers can access anytime, anywhere on the LMS. She enrolled trainers directly in the training to promote access. By making the training material practical and accessible for all of LeadingRE’s members around the world, it increased the likelihood that trainers will utilize the materials to learn the new system. There is also a continuous flow of meetings with new companies/trainers, along with follow-up communication with trainers who have already attended a session.

As an additional outreach method, Leddon created and recorded LMS training Webinars that are advertised on LeadingRE’s Website and on the LMS for LeadingRE’s well-attended Webinar Weeks. She also utilized LeadingRE’s yearly Learning & Development conference to offer a hybrid training session to all attendees. By equipping members’ trainers with the ability to learn and utilize the new platform, they are, in turn, able to set their learners up to successfully engage with high-quality courses.


Trainers now are able to pull reports on user learning (a feature not available in the previous LMS). As a result of training on this new feature, training administrators have created 209 reports.

Since the LMS Train-the-Trainer initiative began in June 2023, LeadingRE saw a 108 percent increase in active users (users who accessed training material in a course for the first time) between May 25, 2023, and October 25, 2023.

The number of learners using the LMS and completing courses increased 33 percent and 4.6 percent, respectively, from 2022 to 2023.


United Wholesale Mortgage (UWM) created its hands-on, instructor-led Mission Impossible Team Building Training Activity to train team members companywide to identify and prevent cybersecurity attacks, while also increasing the number of continuous improvement training hours it makes available. UWM is a financial services company, so it is so vital that its information stays secure.

Program Details

UWM’s Corporate Training Team worked directly with the IT Cyber Security team to design and develop this scenario-based training initiative. The concept is for teams to work together to execute “Operation Phish Phin.” To do this, participants must complete a series of three tasks. Task 1 comprises learning and becoming familiar with cybersecurity terms. Team members use the flashlights on their desks to find the Task 1 envelope in the room that has the terms and instructions within it. Once Task 1 is completed, they unlock the access to Task 2, where they examine how another company responds to a security breach using the terms learned from Task 1. They use their flashlights again to find the Task 2 envelope in the room. This envelope has them refer to the story to determine the code to unlock the vault. The numbers are spelled out in the story. This gives them access to Task 3, where they solve a riddle and provide the final answer to the trainer.

A computer-based training; posts with a Cyber Security Tip of the Week on UWM’s internal intranet system, UZONE; and additional marketing materials are provided throughout the company to boost employee knowledge.


After Cyber Security Awareness month in October, UWM had a massive increase in participation in the Security Awareness Learning Management System Community, increasing enrollment from 85 to 345 team members. This initiative increased UWM’s continuous improvement hours by 1,400 (its corporate goal is to deliver 41,000 continuous improvement training hours per year).

Edited by Lorri Freifeld
Lorri Freifeld is the editor/publisher of Training magazine, owned by Lakewood Media Group. She writes on a number of topics, including talent management, training technology, and leadership development. She spearheads two awards programs: the Training APEX Awards and Emerging Training Leaders. A writer/editor for the last 30 years, she has held editing positions at a variety of publications and holds a Master’s degree in journalism from New York University.