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Lessons From Shakespeare, Einstein and Picasso

We need to seek variety in our personal growth, support each other through different stages of life and learning, and develop supportive roles.
Training Magazine

Physician, Heal Thyself: Curing Burnout Through Healthcare Technology

As our world grows increasingly complex, technology is needed to help healthcare organizations simplify, personalize, and focus on healing.
Training Magazine

Visual Storytelling Makes Training Magic

Book excerpt from "The Pop-up Pitch: The Two-Hour Creative Sprint to the Most Persuasive Presentation of Your Life" by Dan Roam © 2021.
Training Magazine

You Are Not Your Job Title – 3 Ways to Break Free

Creating and recognizing your identity outside of work and determining your own self-reflective title can help you control your identity.
Training Magazine

How to Integrate VR Performance Learning Strategies in Your Sales Training

Virtual reality (VR) can create a realistic environment that gives sales reps greater access to different skills and learning experiences.
Training Magazine

The Pros and Cons of Working Remotely

Working remotely is a challenging task with both positive and negative effects. Here are the pros and cons of remote work.

How to Build Trust in Remote Teams

Building trust can transform toxic workplace cultures. Here's how managers can help build trust in remote teams.
Training Magazine

4 Tips for Successful Learning and Development in a Hybrid Workplace

Although challenging, the hybrid workplace holds much potential and exciting possibilities in learning and development for organizations.
Training Magazine

Overcoming the Talent Shortage

With the right tools and execution, human resources (HR) leaders can recruit and develop talent anywhere. But which tools are right for the job?
Training Magazine

5 Ways Companies Can Invest in Their People in 2022

Whether you're a small or large company, investing in your employees is key to a successful business in a hybrid work world.

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