Training Today: Tech Talk (Nov/Dec 2013)
Find out about the latest advances in training technology.
Training Employees on Social Media
Employee social media strategy increased 337 percent through the first three quarters of 2013, according to a study of nearly 2,000 businesses by Grovo Learning, Inc, an online training platform for Internet skills.
Training Today: Products & Services (Nov./Dec. 2013)
The latest products and services launching in the training industry.
Training Today: Partnerships & Alliances (Nov./Dec. 2013)
The latest training industry mergers, acquisitions, partnerships, and more.
Sticky Notes: Help Wanted: Non-Technical Skills
The technical skill shortage, especially among new young workers, is well documented as a problem (and a training industry opportunity). Less well documented is the steadily growing shortage of non-technical skills, especially among new young workers.
Training Hosts China Summit
Some 500 Training and HR professionals explored the themes of performance consulting, leadership, personnel training, and blended learning during the 2013 Training magazine China Summit held in August at the Shanghai Four Seasons Hotel.
Productivity Coach’s Corner: It’s Not What You Know
When you think about everything you’ve done over the last 12 months, do you recognize the influence of your social network?
Positive Power
Before we can be happy or successful, we need to develop the ability to see that positive change is possible. Creating this outcome is not just about spreading happiness but about helping others create a reality in which success (and happiness) is possible.
Weathering the Storm
Despite continued economic turmoil, total 2013 U.S. training expenditures—including payroll and spending on external products and services—remained relatively flat at $55.4 billion (down just slightly from $55.8 billion last year), according to Training magazine’s 2013 Industry Report.
L&D Best Practices: Nov./Dec. 2013
Training magazine taps 2013 Training Top 125 winners and Top 10 Hall of Famers to provide their learning and development best practices in each issue. Here, we look at front-line supervisor development and sales training.