A New Level of Thinking?
Training magazine and Pearson TalentLens research reveals how thinking styles differ by occupational level and industry.
How to Narrow Critical Skilled Labor Gaps
No matter your perspective on the skilled labor gap issue—whether you believe it’s due to the need for more training, increased salaries, or simply the need to relocate skilled labor—our research has found that the skills gap is a reality.
RETAIN to Reskill
Training professionals need to add their perspectives and expertise to Regional Talent Innovation Networks (RETAINs) in their local communities to help the U.S. avoid falling off the looming talent cliff.
Solving Today’s Skill Gaps
In many ways, solving a skill gap is like solving a puzzle—not only do you have to make the pieces fit, you have to make sure you have all the necessary pieces from the get-go.
Top 125 In-Tuition
A look at Training Top 125 tuition practices in 2012-2013, including who offers the program, participation rates, spending levels, courses covered, conditions, and payment practices.
Is Your Training Mix Right?
Getting the training mix right continues to be a challenge, from deciding who to train, how to train them, and evaluating the results.
Rebounding from last year’s slump, average training salaries swelled 4 percent to $78,623 in 2012-2013, according to Training magazine’s Annual Salary Survey of nearly 1,500 readers. The average increase in salary in the last 12 months (not including a promotion or change of employer) dipped slightly from 2.81 percent in 2011-2012 to 2.74 percent in 2012-2013.
In a year roiled by government sequester; deadly wildfires, floods, and tornadoes; and the continued economic toll from Superstorm Sandy, total 2013 U.S. training expenditures—including payroll and spending on external products and services—remained relatively flat at $55.4 billion (down just slightly from $55.8 billion last year), according to Training magazine's 2013 Training Industry Report.
Training magazine Announces 2014 Top 125 Winners and Hall of Fame Inductees
Lorri Freifeld
Strategies For Success: Onboarding Games and Simulations
Training magazine taps 2013 Training Top 125 winners and Top 10 Hall of Famers to provide their learning and development best practices in each issue. Here, we look at onboarding games and simulations and social learning strategies.