Magazine Articles

How Employees Really Feel About Training

Nearly half of employees find workplace training boring, and 37% say it’s delivered in an unengaging way, according to a Kahoot! report.

Exploring eLearning Trends

Interactive eLearning is more popular among those age 18 to 29 than those age 45 to 60, according to a recent survey.

Tech Talk (November 2024)

Find out about the latest advances in training technology.

Partnerships & Alliances (November 2024)

The latest training industry mergers, acquisitions, partnerships, and more.

New Products & Services (November 2024)

The latest products and services launching in the training industry.

Sticky Notes: What Are Your Good Work Attitudes?

Armed with information about yourself at your best, you can try to leverage that strength with more purpose and consistency.

Productivity Coach’s Corner: More Valuable Feedback

When providing feedback, provide clear, actionable points that foster growth.

Build Your Empathy Muscles

Just like an athlete who practices gets better at their sport, practicing empathy through these five exercises can make you a better manager.

How to Train Your Dragon

Learning Leaders Summit attendees were heartened to realize many other organizations are fighting the same “dragons” they are.

The Edutainer’s Dilemma

Finding the right balance between being an educator and entertainer.

Online Partners

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