Magazine Articles

In Memoriam: L&D Legend Ray Jimenez

Ray Jimenez’s all-encompassing warmth and brilliant mind touched the lives of countless learning and development professionals, helping them to grow and thrive over the years

Training APEX Awards Best Practice & Outstanding Training Initiative Award Winners (March 2024)

Successful L&D programs and best practices submitted in winning 2024 Training APEX Awards applications.

2024 Training Hall of Fame Members

Two new companies, Medical Solutions and Rosendin, were inducted into the Training Hall of Fame in 2024.

Training Hall of Fame Outstanding Training Initiatives (March 2024)

Details of the top-scoring Outstanding Training Initiatives submitted by Training Hall of Famers Verizon, Dollar General Corporation, and KPMG LLP.

Agreeing to Disagree

Civil discourse training can help build trust, respect, and empathy with others who have different perspectives.

A Personalized AI for All

Most individuals soon may have access to their own “personal polymathic AI,” that can revolutionize their learning and development.

The Key to Cultural Transformation

If you want to change your organizational culture, change the stories you tell.

Creating a Great Employee Experience

The 7 attributes that define a great place to work.

L&D Legends

The learning and development (L&D) world has more than its share of gurus, heroes, and legends. Who do you trust and rely on most—and why?

What’s in Store for 2024?

You don’t need a crystal ball to predict AI’s influence on the workplace—and learning and development (L&D)—will only continue to grow in 2024.

Online Partners

Vote today for your favorite L&D vendors!