Online Articles

Discover Your Team of Inner Negotiators

Since you first learned about Freud and what he called the ego, id, and superego, you’ve heard the idea that there’s more to you than meets the eye. As you get to know your inner negotiators, you’ll expand your profile. Then you’ll get better outcomes, because you’re using strengths and skills you’ve never put to good use before.

Supercompetent Speaking: The Emcee’s Introduction

Take charge from the beginning. Write the emcee’s introduction to your presentation yourself, provide it well before the event, and ask that it be read verbatim.

The HUMAN Brand: Warmth and Competence in the Workplace

Social psychologists have deduced that primitive humans developed a primal, unconscious ability to make two specific kinds of judgments with a high degree of speed and sufficient accuracy: What are the intentions of other people toward me? How capable are they of carrying out those intentions? These two categories of social perception are known as warmth and competence.

Customer Service Advice: Write It Down

If you have a customer screaming at you due to what they believe is bad customer service, here’s a simple remedy: “Write it down.” People want to be heard and they want to be understood. If you show them you are doing just that, then, more often than not, they will calm down and allow you to have a civil conversation about their problem.

INNitiation at La Quinta

Hotel operator La Quinta has a four-week leadership development program for new general managers called INNitiation. The first three weeks take place at a certified training hotel and feature one-on-one training with the Training and Development manager on every role at the hotel.

April’s Top Reads

More than 11,000 business books are published every year—an overwhelming choice for busy professionals. Therefore, in partnership with getAbstract, Training brings you April’s top three business books recommended to our readers.

A Keyne Way to Set Goals

Goals create high-performance organizations. Goals create accountability. Goals have clear measurable results with a target date. Created by Wayne and Kelly Nelson, the Keyne Method categorizes goals into four types: individual, departmental, developmental, and team.

IBM Research: The Social Imperative in Workforce Skills Development

By incorporating social technologies into a workforce development program, organizations can quickly and dramatically improve employees’ skills, creating a global forum for ongoing enablement and development.

USAA’s Financial Foundations Coaching

USAA decided to shift coaching from a “grass-roots” effort to a leadership-led initiative featuring a top-down and bottom-up approach that would drive consistent coaching expectations and experiences for both coach and coachee.

A New & Improved Team After Training

Nobscot Corporation turned to training exercises from Glasstap to help it improve communication, build a stronger team bond, and enhance the overall team dynamics.

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