Online Articles

Generational Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

Generational conflict in the workplace can range from minor misunderstandings to unproductive teams to accusations of age bias. Preventing generational conflict is not easy. Here are three tips for creating a more harmonious multigenerational workforce with raised awareness and a genuine commitment to work effectively together.

Managing by Metrics: Do Managers Even Manage Anymore?

In focusing on outliers and the worst performers, employers fail to help the majority of their employees reach their potential. If companies rethink management and invest in their managers and tools, they can see substantial performance and quality gains.

Study Shows Corporate Learning & Development More Aligned to Business Goals

Some 76.1 percent of 563 organizations link learning objectives to corporate performance goals to at least a moderate extent, and 43.5 percent to a high or very high extent, according to Brandon Hall Group’s 2014 Learning & Development Benchmarking study.

Learning Mindset: How Leaders Develop Through Experience

A Learning Mindset is an attitude that predisposes you to be open to new experiences, to believe you can and will learn, and to intentionally grow and develop from your experience. Here are three steps to activate your Learning Mindset and 10 Learning Practices—actions you can take to accelerate and enhance your learning from experience.

“Meeting Minds” with Your Assistant to Raise Productivity

In today’s world of rapid change, increasing demands, and over-reliance on technology, there is no greater asset to a leader than an effective administrative assistant. As a result of better understanding productivity styles, priorities, and goals, leaders and assistants can make formidable teams.

DEFENDER Direct Trains to Increase Customer Referrals

DEFENDER’s primary training objective was to ensure that all security advisors understood how the company’s new customer referral system worked so they could accurately describe the process to every customer. Training on the mechanism of the new system was accomplished through video and job aids.

6 Key Competencies of Effective Managers

For years we’ve been hearing that people don’t leave their jobs; they leave their managers. Despite this knowledge, many employees are promoted into management positions without understanding key competencies that will enable them to be effective managers.

7 Best Practices for Employee Training

Following these tips will help ensure your training session will not only meet all the course objectives but also yield satisfied participants who believe the experience was worthwhile on many levels.

Driving Sales Performance: Think Mobile, Analytics, and Game Mechanics

Intuitive Surgical tested out a game-based, data-driven mobile platform that delivers a stream of simple, scenario-based challenge questions to field personnel every few days. This approach helped the organization reach more sales reps than previous solutions and drove significantly higher user engagement.

Easing Psychological Distress in the Workplace

Staff turnover, elevated sickness absence rates, and reduced output found among psychologically distressed workers yield substantial business costs. In the years to come, workplace programs that can be shown to enhance employees’ psychological well-being and behavioral functioning will come to be viewed less as an indulgence and more as an investment with considerable cost-saving potential.

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