Home January / February 2013

January / February 2013

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Trainer Talk: Resolve to Involve

By Bob Pike CSP, CPAE With risk goes reward. That truism hit home when I was invited to make a presentation at an international conference in Amsterdam, Holland. The presentation was to be simultaneously translated in three languages. I was told by the organizers to expect about 100 people in each of my four sessions on four different topics: leadership, problem-solving, training techniques, and marketing strategies.

Last Word: The Right Way to Tell Clients Theyメre Wrong

By Michael Rosenthal, Managing Partner, Consensus

How-To: Manage an Underperformer

By Brad Karsh, President, JB Training Solutions Working with an underperformer ranks as one of the most difficult challenges any manager will face. Whether your underperformer consistently produces “meh” work, makes the same mistakes again and again, or just feels like dead weight on the team, poor performance must be addressed immediately. Great managers and leaders take the time to work with these employees to transform them into major contributors and higher-level employees. Here are a few best practices to keep in mind when managing an underperformer:

Call Them No. 1…Again!

Verizon picked up the No. 1 spot on the Training Top 125 for the second year in a row, earning its induction into the Top 10 Hall of Fame in 2014 after securing positions in the Top 10 for the last four consecutive years. No. 4 Farmers Insurance likewise punched its ticket to the Top 10 Hall of Fame next year. Top 5 newcomers Jiffy Lube International, Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC, and CHG Healthcare Services nabbed Nos. 2, 3, and 5, respectively.

Soapbox: Building Career Courage

By Bill Treasurer, Founder, Giant Leap Consulting I am a big ’fraidy cat. From my knee-shaking fear of heights to my tongue-stammering fear of authority figures, I live a life that seems imbued with fear. You may find it surprising, then, that I am a professional courage-builder. My personal mission, and the mission of the courage-building company I founded a decade ago, is to help people and organizations be more courageous.

Soapbox: The 10 Executive Toughness Fundamentals

By Dr. Jason Selk I have had the privilege of serving as a performance coach to some of the most successful businesspeople on the planet, including scores of individual Fortune 500 and 100 executives. I use a methodology I call Executive Toughness, a mental training program that helps people boost their leadership performance and achieve truly ambitious goals.

How to Create a Culture of Self-Learning

By Dan Carusi, Vice President, Global Education, Deltek

Online Learning 2013

September 17-19, 2013 • Chicago, Illinois Training magazine's Online Learning Conference will provide how-to, skill-building content and showcase how innovators are solving business problems for their organizations by leveraging learning technologies to make their learning blend more cohesive, immediate, intuitive, inclusive, and immersive.

Soapbox: Career Courage

By Bill Treasurer, Founder, Giant Leap Consulting I am a big ’fraidy cat. From my knee-shaking fear of heights to my tongue-stammering fear of authority figures, I live a life that seems imbued with fear. You may find it surprising, then, that I am a professional courage-builder. My personal mission, and the mission of the courage-building company I founded a decade ago, is to help people and organizations be more courageous.

5 Critical Competencies for Disruptive Innovation and Change

By Soren Kaplan Disruptive innovation and change have become the norm. Most of us know that if we don’t proactively innovate and change the game, someone else will rewrite the rules for us. Just think Blockbuster, Borders, Blackberry, and Kodak. At the same time, business culture reinforces the idea that uncertainty should be avoided at all costs. Control is the goal. No wonder every management book on Amazon that uses the word “surprise” in its title focuses on preventing the phenomenon from occurring.

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