Home July / August 2017

July / August 2017

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Tips For Coaching Millennials…And Everyone Else

Most advice about managing Millennials focuses on the wrong things, experts say—often meaningless differences between people rather than the massive number of things we have in common, namely, that we all are individuals who want to grow and feel valuable.

Determining Coaching ROI

Coaching, which gives employees extended feedback and guidance for improvement, can produce measurable results—if it’s delivered and assessed the right way.

Work Team Training And Performance Gaps

New research conducted by Training magazine and The Ken Blanchard Companies finds significant differences between the amount of support high-performing teams receive and the support average teams receive— at both an individual leader and organizational level.

Creating An L&D A-Team

Non-traditional hires can build strong, innovative Learning and Development (L&D) teams, bringing a wealth of skills and perspectives that can help L&D transition from a developer and deliverer of learning to a coach and consultant for the business.

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