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Working Together, Remotely
A Safe Distance
How might we navigate around and among each other at work or events while staying a socially distanced six feet apart?
My Brain on Tech: From Zoom Fatigue to Mind Control
How might we deliver training on a device that is brain controlled? What do instructional designers and developers need to learn in order to understand the breakthroughs in this evolving interface?
Leveraging the Power of AI Transcription for Live Captioning
With Otter Teams (and Education), you can highlight and annotate the transcription during and after recording. You can search, edit, highlight, and comment. And you can insert images!
Building Our Skills as Citizen Developers
As citizen developers, we become a part of the application development and delivery process—we have the opportunity to shape the applications our learners will interact with and manifest our designs, with no coding required.
Computational Creativity And The Flavor Of Learning Design
Can computers be creative? Can they help Learning and Development professionals be more creative?
A Different Way Of Going Mobile
Vans, busses, trucks, and trailers are hitting the road with EdTech experiences.
Engaging, Informing, And Upskilling The Modern Workforce
The applications that most interest me in the workforce digitization space are those that enable guided learning, immersive situations, and employee engagement strategies.
Training TechNOLAgy-Style
TechLearn 2019 attendees discover how to use technology to take their training to the next level.