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Learn to Design, Deliver, and Manage Impactful Training at the TechLearn 2021 Virtual Conference

Everyone can attend as TechLearn 2021 goes fully online—but LIVE—October 25-29 with a jam-packed schedule of learning experiences.

Compliance Training and AI: Automation that Actually Works

Artificial intelligence provides personalized help and actionable next steps for training.

Training Top 100 Best Practice: Bass & Associates, P.C.’s Virtual Vision

Virtual Vision is a blended approach to training that includes virtual classroom training, tutorials, hands-on training, self-paced modules, side-by-side training, and gamification, plus some artificial intelligence (AI) elements.
5 Tips to talent management- training magazine

5 Keys to Success in Talent Management

Through proper talent management, organizations can attract the right talent to the right roles, furthering an organization’s success.
Employee Training- Training Mag

Disrupting Ourselves

CEOs are responsible for articulating and cultivating a vision, but the only way to execute it is to empower employees with a broad set of technical skills.
Mental Health and Wellbeing - Training Mag

A Self-Reflective Tool to Gauge the Impact of 10 Key Dimensions of Health and...

A key driver of deteriorating mental health is the pressure associated with staying relevant and competitive in the Digital Age so that one can sustain a viable and productive career lifecycle. The Mirza tool can be used to facilitate an honest self-appraisal of mental health wellbeing.
3 Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Enhance Workforce Management and Customer Experience - Training Mag

3 Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Enhance Workforce Management and Customer Experience

Artificial intelligence drives innovative new solutions for workforce visibility, employee automation, and efficient planning and engagement.

Tech Talk (April 2021)

Find out about the latest advances in training technology.

Geofences in the L&D Landscape

The technology enables us to designate specific spaces as zones, target specific users within those zones, and deliver specific content to their devices when they are within that zone.
How Unbundled Learning Is Reshaping Association Training Programs

How Unbundled Learning Is Reshaping Association Training Programs

Instead of training learners for years, unbundled learning programs promise competency in a matter of days.

Online Partners

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