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How to Use Different Types of Video in Online Training Courses

From simple screencast recordings to beautiful animated videos, you can find the type of video that fits best with your brand and learning goals.

Upskill and Reskill Employees with Virtual Classroom Solutions

With skills evolving, emerging, and expiring, forging connections between organizational skill needs and employees will redefine the virtual classroom business outlook.

Technology Enables Reskilling to Address Gaps

The world of work has changed dramatically, requiring employers to carefully examine skills needed now and in the future and determine how to fill skill gaps.

Principles Are Sacrosanct; Methods Are Not

Excerpt from Chapter 36 of “Fostering Culture: A Leader’s Guide to Purposefully Shaping Culture” by Shane Jackson.

4 Do’s and 3 Don’ts for Adult Online Instruction

Put yourself in your online learners’ shoes—imagine the variety of distractions they have. That means you need to change things up to hold their attention.

5 Signs that It’s Time to Scale Up Your Business

You need the right skills, technology, and networks to help with your growth plans.

Prepare for an Innovative 2021

In the face of continuing economic and social upheaval, organizations need to fully optimize their training delivery.

6 Tools, Tips, and Services to Improve Your Company’s Cyber Security

Invest in training resources, leverage reputable security tools, ensure every member of your team is fully aware of the dangers that cyber criminals pose, and establish a robust plan of action should an incident occur.

6 Ways to Empower Your Team During COVID-19

Visibility, openness, and a sense of mutual understanding are vital for a collaborative and healthy team atmosphere.
Training Magazine

The Foundations of Digital Leadership in Times of Change

The most needed type of leadership in today’s moment is supportive leadership, a type of leading that focuses on the physical, mental, and emotional needs of workers.

Online Partners

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