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Employee Orientation- Training Magazine

5 Ways to Keep Employee Orientation from Being a Snooze-fest

Orientation does not have to be boring. The more fun and engaging you make it, the more eager your recruits will be to join your team. 

Employee Work Passion Drops Dramatically in the COVID-19 Era

Survey results point to Connection to Colleagues, Collaboration, Feedback, and Connection to Leader being much lower in 2021 than in 2012, which points to a loss of community and potentially less access to information—all ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic.

5 Ways to Help Your Employees Win at Work

Employee engagement may sound like an overused corporate buzzword, but it’s a key aspect of maintaining a healthy workplace.
Leadership - Training Magazine

Skills Leaders Will Need in an Uncertain Future

Leaders will be challenged to deal with change and crises, and they’ll need to think about how they will lead people through these challenging times.
Training Magazine

A Guide to Recruiting Junior Developers

Everything you need to know about locating, evaluating, recruiting, and keeping skilled junior developers in one place.
Training Magazine

Ways to Give Feedback Without Offending

Approach everyone you give feedback to as if they are an iceberg, as there is more below the surface when you deliver structured feedback.
Training Magazine

How L&D Leaders Can Spot Mental Health Exhaustion and Combat it

The best way to combat the mental health crisis is to put measures in place to support employees in every aspect of their professional lives.
Training Magazine

How to Support Training Opportunities for Remote Employees

Understanding that everyone is different is the core of finding a training program that works in remote settings.
Training Magazine

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Certified Coaches Fortify Success in Your Business

It’s crucial for companies to embrace diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in their business strategies today more than ever before.
Training Magazine

The 8 Juggling Balls to Hardwiring Belonging – Not a Model, but a Journey

‘Belonging’ is not defined by a traditional step-by-step process but as a continuous need to focus and juggle the eight components.

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