Continuous Learning and Constant Feedback
If you want to grow quickly in your career or personal or professional life, you must acquire two great habits: continuous learning and constant feedback.
Great Leaders Rely on Great Trainers
There is no formula for being a great trainer, but there is a passion for helping others succeed. It’s not coincidental that this passion is also what helps define an exceptional leader. Great trainers lead, and great leaders train.
Migros’ Luxury Perspective
Turkish retailer Migros’ Perspective program combines in-class training, learning through experience, and cultural development programs. This is not only a training program; it also introduces participants to a different culture, social class, and lifestyle.
Transform Staff: The People Part of Enterprise-Wide Change
Companies must place an emphasis on soft skills development and presenting a bigger picture for their staff members. Soft skills help people to think more broadly about what their work is all about. Training focused on enhancing communication, building trust, and promoting teamwork, for example, fosters collaboration, cooperation, and esprit de corps.
5 Trends for the Future of Learning and Development
Five key trends and best practices that companies should consider include the use of mobile technology, adoption of social learning tools, alignment with corporate objectives, use of adaptive learning principles, and the ability to measure effectiveness.
Super Post: Secrets to Conquering Ageism in Your Job Search
Three areas to address to beat ageism once and for all in your job search: Make your resume ageless, practice active job search practices, and tips to overcome the overqualified question in an interview.
Helping Employees to Grow
How do we lead and manage in ways that help people to grow, rather than tell people to grow? To want to work, rather than have to work? By looking at the forefront of organizational theory, we can see it’s actually a matter of managing progress, not people.
Cerner Retools Presentations
Health-care information technology company Cerner seeks to connect with current and prospective clients, other associates, and partners by sharing its passion—the “why”—with them. As such, the company began an extensive training initiative to retool the way Cerner associates communicate, leading to a three-day Successful Presentations – Advanced workshop.
How to Be a Great Manager
To be a Great Manager, you need to be an effective coach with the ability to ask Powerful Questions, listen actively, and offer observations. You must help your employees create the shifts in their beliefs and actions that will result in the achievement of desired results.
How to “Do” Employee Engagement
Three key trends have surfaced as the most critical for increasing and maintaining high levels of engagement: Candor, Collaboration, and Development.