Leadership Development and the Fog of War
In its Mission Command philosophy, the U.S. Army distinguishes between risk and uncertainty. Risk relates to known hazards, while uncertainty is the result of unknown or ambiguous hazards resulting from the complex and highly interactive makeup of military operations, complex human beings, and a thinking enemy. What can businesses learn from the military to mitigate uncertainty?
Novo Nordisk’s Hiring Blitz
Novo Nordisk Inc. (NNI) embarked on the most complex and second largest expansion in its history, with a goal to hire 600 employees in just 12 weeks. Utilizing a combination of in-person and WebEx training, the Hiring Blitz was designed to prepare numerous stakeholders to recruit top talent during this expansion. As a result, NNI filled 95 percent of the 600 roles, and all but 1 percent are still with the company today.
A Need for Environmental Test Training
Military service, manufacturer, and laboratory training directors often face a laboratory staffing problem: When they hire newly graduated mechanical and electrical engineers for these laboratories, they often must provide them with specialized training as environmental testing rarely is taught in universities.
Don’t Tell Me, Show Me!
When trainers actively engage video as a tool for training, they will be able to more efficiently equip their trainees with the skills needed to be successful. A variety of solutions are available for trainers to create affordable videos in-house. One is screencasting, which allows users to record their screen, including anything from presentation slides to training documents.
Soaring to New Heights
Confidence and inspiration are directly connected to how we experience our lives. With confidence we take the risks we need to take to live the lives we imagine for ourselves. Inspiration is the spark that ignites our passion for life and the desire each day to grow and contribute.
Discover Your Team of Inner Negotiators
Since you first learned about Freud and what he called the ego, id, and superego, you’ve heard the idea that there’s more to you than meets the eye. As you get to know your inner negotiators, you’ll expand your profile. Then you’ll get better outcomes, because you’re using strengths and skills you’ve never put to good use before.
Supercompetent Speaking: The Emcee’s Introduction
Take charge from the beginning. Write the emcee’s introduction to your presentation yourself, provide it well before the event, and ask that it be read verbatim.
The HUMAN Brand: Warmth and Competence in the Workplace
Social psychologists have deduced that primitive humans developed a primal, unconscious ability to make two specific kinds of judgments with a high degree of speed and sufficient accuracy: What are the intentions of other people toward me? How capable are they of carrying out those intentions? These two categories of social perception are known as warmth and competence.
Customer Service Advice: Write It Down
If you have a customer screaming at you due to what they believe is bad customer service, here’s a simple remedy: “Write it down.” People want to be heard and they want to be understood. If you show them you are doing just that, then, more often than not, they will calm down and allow you to have a civil conversation about their problem.
INNitiation at La Quinta
Hotel operator La Quinta has a four-week leadership development program for new general managers called INNitiation. The first three weeks take place at a certified training hotel and feature one-on-one training with the Training and Development manager on every role at the hotel.