Northwestern Mutual’s Fastrack Sales School
Edited by Margery Weinstein
Northwestern Mutual’s Fastrack Sales School is an integral part of the company’s Fastrack Training System, a three-pronged training framework developed several years ago to give new financial representatives the confidence and skills needed for success. Used in its field offices, Fastrack training includes:
Internal Alignment and Employee Engagement Are Not the Same
By Rick DeMarco, Managing Director, West Coast, Inward Strategic Consulting
Increasing Leader Effectiveness
By Aubrey C. Daniels, Founder and Chairman, Aubrey Daniels International
The topic of leadership can be compared with noise. There is so much of it on the Web and in books that it is only natural to tune it out. Search online for “leadership” and you get 382 million places to look for guidance. Amazon sells 87,804 books related to the subject.
The Growth of Learning Analytics
By Stacey Harris, VP, Research and Advisory Services,and David Grebow, Principal Learning Analyst, Brandon Hall Group
We are experiencing a revolution—a data revolution. Since the dawn of the computer era, our businesses, organizations, and personal lives increasingly have been directed by data.
This data revolution is a result of several forces colliding in today’s business environment:
The Unemployed Generation
By Darnell Clarke
With the youth unemployment rate in the U.S. reaching a record level at 17 percent, it has been argued that this unemployment rate and poor economic situation has given Generation Y a new name: “The Unemployed Generation.”
Increasing Workplace Honesty Begins With 5 Questions
By Carol Kinsey Goman, Ph.D.
Deception in the workplace becomes pervasive—and damaging to trust, collaboration, and productivity—when leaders create an environment that encourages or tolerates it. The strategy for reducing lies and increasing honesty is actually quite simple. It begins with a leader’s answers to these five questions:
1. What do you expect of the people who report to you?
Employee Engagement Is a Team Effort
By Aimee Lucas, Customer Experience Analyst, Temkin Group
Engaged employees are valuable assets to any organization. Temkin Group’s 2013 Employee Engagement Benchmark Study found engaged employees are more committed, try harder, and want to make things better at the companies they work for. They trigger a virtuous cycle of great customer experiences resulting in more loyal customers and strong financial results.
Paradox of Success
By Jason Forrest
Most likely, what your boss, peers, and team members expect you to do is exactly the opposite of what you need to do to be truly successful in your role. And, even more harmful, if it’s what others expect from you, it’s likely what you expect from yourself.
Design for Environment Training Leads to Lean and Green
By Pamela J. Gordon, President, Technology Forecasters Inc.
Consider this story from Texas Instruments (TI). I interviewed TI’s VP of Worldwide Facilities, Shaunna Sowell, for my book “Lean and Green: Profit for Your Workplace and the Environment.”
Conscious Awareness: The Core Practice of Conscious Capitalism
By Jeff Klein,
Trustee and Executive Team Member, Conscious Capitalism, Inc.
“The shift in management paradigm (represented by Conscious Capitalism) is as transformational as the shift from the medieval view that the sun revolves around the Earth
to the view that Earth and the other planets revolve around the sun.
It is a fundamental transition in world-view. Once you make this shift, everything is different.”—Steve Denning,