Home January / February 2016

January / February 2016

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What Do Employees Think About Their Training?

Employers don't necessarily have to provide lengthy training programs for employees to believe they are getting valuable learning, according to a BizLibrary survey of 1,800 employees.

Dividing the Workload

Left unaddressed, issues such as fairly divvying up workplace tasks can fester and worsen. The solution lies in a conversation that features active listening and a willingness to be open to others’ perspectives.

Learning in an Open Office Environment

Can we actually design an open office plan with learning in mind?

Making a Difference in the World

Even one trainer can begin to make a global impact by getting involved in the community and taking on a local challenge.

Open the Window and Let Jay’s Light in

A tribute to Jay Cross — one of our greatest learning luminaries whose relentless quest for insights and tireless willingness to share them was fueled by his authentic passion to make learning better for everyone.

Does (Screen) Size Matter?

If you extrapolate several studies that have been done about paper versus screens, there’s a real gap in learning from a screen— especially a small one.

The Business Transformation Revolution

Transformational change requires a fundamental shift in mindset, organizational principles, behavior, and/or culture, as well as organizational changes— all designed to support new business directions.

Focus on Hungary

Hungarians prefer a didactic teaching style. They want to have a clear theoretical background and plenty of examples illustrating the theory.

Understand Teams by Using the GRPI Model

Organizational theorist Dick Beckhard developed the GRPI model— Goals, Roles, Processes, Interpersonal Relationships—to help diagnose the causes of team dysfunction.

3 Ways to Improve the Learning Environment

If you want to create a high-impact learning environment, start with genuine problems and end with real solutions. Avoid solutions that mask tactics as outcomes or call for miracles.

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