Change as a Second Language
If you listen and empathize, you will get key information that can help you course correct and dramatically increase people’s buy-in to change—even if they didn’t choose the direction.
Sticky Notes: Practice Extreme Alignment
How to stay aligned with so many more people than ever before—your boss, your direct reports, and your colleagues all over the organization chart.
Productivity Coach’s Corner: Digging Deeper
When someone asks, “Why do you talk so much about reflection?” I always say, “To think deeply and carefully about something opens the chance that I’ll think differently, bigger, or even better.”
TechTalk (Nov.-Dec. 2020)
Find out about the latest advances in training technology.
New Products & Services -(Nov.-Dec. 2020)
The latest products and services launching in the training industry.
Partnerships & Alliances (Nov.-Dec. 2020)
The latest training industry mergers, acquisitions, partnerships, and more.
Getting Back to the Office
Envoy’s survey of U.S. employees reveals concerns abound about whether companies can keep workers safe when returning to a shared office.
Training on the Move
A survey by TalentCards found that 1 out of 3 deskless workers forget most of their training just 30 days after completing it.
Workers Weigh in
Some 84% of workers today are still feeling optimistic about the next five years in the workplace (down from 86% pre-pandemic), while 75% feel buoyant about the year ahead, according to a new report from ADP Research Institute.
Turning the Page
Looking ahead, I am optimistic about 2021 and excited to share some changes coming to Training magazine.