Home September / October 2015

September / October 2015

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Avoid Technology as a Tool for Rudeness

Be aware of these four ways technology can hurt rather than help.

Learning Technology Paves the Way for Change

Technology-enhanced learning will progressively evolve in the years ahead. We must be prepared to maximize that learning's impact in the workplace.

Change and Growth

Passion and priorities are the best guides for deciding how to cope with change.

Learning in the Cloud

A forecast for the future of learning includes microlearning and learner-created learning paths.

Avoiding the Cost of a Disengaged Workforce

Companies miss the mark when trying to achieve employee engagement without first considering inclusion.

Playing to Win

Competition in games and simulations-based training is a key factor in boosting employee and client engagement at Bellevue University, Passle Limited, and UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital.

Focus on Israel

Israelis expect flexible training that follows just-in-time audience needs.

Put Context into the SME Role

Six things to share with subject matter experts when working on a training project, so they can sift through their vast and deep knowledge base to present just the right information.

Just Say No…

...To embedded, interruptive interactivity in soft skills e-learning. Instead, focus on information design—the art of presenting content in a way that engages people and sustains their interest.

A Pragmatic Approach to mLearning

A case study from BMC Software demonstrates how to make the leap from talking about mLearning to going live with an effective program.

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