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View from 30,000 Feet
By Lorri Freifeld
Orchestrating a smooth training transition during a merger or acquisition is never easy. But when it involves the joining of two major airlines, well, fasten your seatbelts. There almost definitely will be turbulence ahead.
Best Practices and Outstanding Initiatives
Edward Jones: Practice Makes Perfect (Sales Training)
Each month, Edward Jones hires more than 150 new recruits with little financial background, then trains them to serve clients well. This organic growth is achieved through extensive training, including coaching by veterans, online study, virtual classes, weeklong stints of classroom training, and recorded role-play.
Conference Highlight: Proactive Performance Consulting
In the second of three posts, Training 2012 Conference & Expo speaker Dick Handshaw talks about establishing your position as a strategic partner.
Insightful Ethics Training Can Be a Game Changer
By Pat Quinn, Managing Director, and Pamela Verick, Director, Protiviti Inc.
During prosperous economic times, ethical business principles may be overlooked when the next moneymaking deal seems right around the corner. When cash is flowing, few extol the virtues of a strong corporate culture and how it contributes to long-term business success. Yet, many learn in hindsight the value of these principles.