How to Train Confidence as a Critical Skill
When people are not confident they can do something, they set a barrier between themselves and achieving their goals.
Recognizing Teamwork — Train Your Team To Win by Mastering the “Point”
Book excerpt from Relentless Solution Focus by Jason Selk; McGraw-Hill Education (2021).
Have a Chat With a Machine
Book excerpt from AI in Talent Development: Capitalize on the AI Revolution to Transform the Way You Work, Learn, and Live, by Margie Meacham; ATD (2020)
Are You Implementing Safety in Your Company Culture?
Here are 4 key elements to get you started.
Is Your Voice Losing You Business?
Organizations lose business due to poor presentation skills, making vocal training even more necessary in the age of digital communication.
Why Learning Objectives Are Important for Your Video
A well-defined learning objective helps you plan your course by giving you a clear set of boundaries on what actually belongs in the video.
How Pronoun Training Can Build a More Inclusive Culture
Engaging employee resource groups (ERGs) dedicated to the LGBTQ+ community can help HR leaders drive education, awareness, and acceptance.
Successfully Leading the Process of Change
Book excerpt from Management Productivity Multipliers by Gerald Kraines, MD; Career Press (2021)
Why Healthcare Companies Are Doubling Down on Educational Benefits
65 percent of nurses surveyed would stay with their employer for five years or more if their next degree or certification was paid for.
How Employers Can Develop Great Leaders at Scale
Employers need great leaders but most struggle to develop consistent, effective leadership at all levels of the organization.